@kanglib does dotfiles
- Arch/Red Hat/Ubuntu x86-64 (WSL supported)
- Windows Terminal/Alacritty
- GVim (vim-tux or vim-win32-installer) on Windows 10+
- Vim 8.1+
- Python 3 support
- Lua/clipboard support (recommended)
- Tomorrow Night theme (base16 version)
- D2Coding 1.3+ (recommended)
set correctly
# Arch
sudo pacman -S bat eza fd git gvim ripgrep tmux zsh
sudo pacman -S cmake python-virtualenvwrapper git-delta
sudo pacman -S inetutils lsb-release lua perl-term-readkey
sudo pacman -S ctags
# Red Hat
sudo dnf install bat eza fd-find git vim-X11 ripgrep tmux zsh
sudo dnf install cmake python3-virtualenvwrapper git-delta vim-enhanced
sudo dnf install gcc-c++ lua redhat-lsb-core sqlite
sudo dnf install ctags
# Ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt install bat exa fd-find git vim-gtk3 ripgrep tmux zsh
sudo apt install cmake virtualenvwrapper vim
sudo apt install ctags
ln -s $(which batcat) ~/.local/bin/bat
ln -s $(which exa) ~/.local/bin/eza
ln -s $(which fdfind) ~/.local/bin/fd
cargo install git-delta
# Pick one
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io/lb)" -- init --apply kanglib
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS chezmoi.io/getlb)" -- init --apply kanglib
# 🚀
chsh -s /bin/zsh
exec zsh
Python prompts are colorized on POSIX systems.
The LSP is supported via vim-lsp. F7 can be used to install/update the suggested language server.