基于spleeter C++编译现有的动态库可执行文件实现音乐人声伴奏分离过程。当然,在保证相关文件路径都存放正确位置的前提下,也可以自行编译完成后进行调用,目前根据 @jinay1991 提供的巧妙编译方法,我已复现了所需的编译环节,感谢以上源码作者的贡献。
The method and environment configuration source @jinay1991 for compiling the spleeter C++ algorithm in this demo.
Thanks for the help given by @jinay1991, his answer made me solve the current PC side (the problem of the UBUNTU platform).
Spleeter C++算法函数接口逻辑流程文档:spleeter/doc
使用作者环境在docker+ubuntu:docker pull registry.gitlab.com/jinay1991/spleeter
root@docker-desktop:/data/spleeter/spleeter_dynamic_library/bin# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS \n \l
本人在Ubuntu20.04配置的C++ spleeter 环境:ckck2021/spleeter_cc
docker pull ckck2021/spleeter_cc:ubuntu20.04
- Ubuntu 18.04
To setup developer environment, the project requires following packages.
apt-get update --fix-missing
sed -i 's/archive.ubuntu.com/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && \
sed -i 's/security.ubuntu.com/mirrors.aliyun.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update --fix-missing
# Installation of general dependencies
apt-get install -y build-essential clang-format clang-tidy clang git git-lfs wget curl gnupg openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-jre lcov
# Installation of FFMPEG
apt-get install -y libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavfilter-dev libavdevice-dev libswresample-dev libswscale-dev ffmpeg
This project uses bazel
build system. To install, run following command or find documentation for installation on office site here.
For Linux/macOS systems,
# Installation
curl -fsSL https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg | gpg --dearmor > bazel.gpg
mv bazel.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable jdk1.8" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bazel.list
apt-get update && apt-get install -y bazel
# 报错记录error
#The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3D5919B448457EE0 E: The repository 'https://storage.googleapis.com/bazel-apt stable InRelease' is not signed.
# 解决方法solv: apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3D5919B448457EE0
reinstall: apt-get update && apt-get install -y bazel
# 查看安装版本
bazel version
Build label: 5.1.1
Build target: bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Fri Apr 8 15:49:48 2022 (1649432988)
Build timestamp: 1649432988
Build timestamp as int: 1649432988
# Command Completion
echo "source /etc/bash_completion.d/bazel" >> ~/.bashrc
# Autoformat
wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/releases/download/3.5.0/buildifier
chmod +x buildifier
mv buildifier /usr/bin
# 构建
git clone https://github.com/jinay1991/spleeter.git
The current issue is resolved.
ERROR: Could not open 'external/models/5stems/5stems.tflite'.
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
F0418 09:15:07.654577 85700 tflite_inference_engine.cpp:70] Check failed: model_ Failed to read model external/models/5stems/5stems.tflite
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
Aborted (core dumped)
先git clone 本目录或到https://github.com/jinay1991
cd 到/data/spleeter/spleeter_dynamic_library/bin 执行./spleeter即可完成推理,最终会在当前目录下生成路径spleeter_dynamic_library\bin\external\audio_example\file下事先准备好的audio_example.wav音频文件。由于是已经生成的可执行文件,想要处理其他音频文件,需要将新拿来的音频文件文件名修改为audio_example.wav替换原有的音频文件即可。
libtensorflow_cc.so获取链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1egEIVAGKCzcfP_xtYIEiQg 提取码:6eca
参考spleeter c++ code:https://github.com/jinay1991/spleeter
- Deezer Research - Source Separation Engine Story - deezer.io blog post:
- Music Source Separation tool with pre-trained models / ISMIR2019 extended abstract
If you use Spleeter in your work, please cite:
title={Spleeter: A Fast And State-of-the Art Music Source Separation Tool With Pre-trained Models},
author={Romain Hennequin and Anis Khlif and Felix Voituret and Manuel Moussallam},
howpublished={Late-Breaking/Demo ISMIR 2019},
note={Deezer Research},
Converted official checkpoint to TFLite Model using https://github.com/tinoucas/spleeter-tflite-convert
The code of Spleeter is MIT-licensed.
If you plan to use Spleeter on copyrighted material, make sure you get proper authorization from right owners beforehand.
This repository include a demo audio file audio_example.mp3
which is an excerpt from
Slow Motion Dream by Steven M Bryant
Copyright (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Ft: CSoul Alex Beroza & Robert Siek"