This is a simple CRUD application which helps you to manage your address book.
AddressBook is a Web Development project for practice purposes. It's a little maven webapp where you can easily create, search, update and delete contacts.
- Multiple records can be added through CSV file. sample upload file
- Sort the records by any column.
- Search record.
It has been made with:
- Java, using Java Servlets as controllers, JavaBeans as model and JavaServer Pages as view (MVC pattern)
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Bootstrap in order to make it mobile-first and responsive
- JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX
- Maven
- JDK 1.8
- Tomcat 8
- Mysql
AddressBook can be deployed with Maven or manually with the .war file.
- Clone the repository
- Move in /AddressBook dir and run below command
- Visit localhost and enjoy AddressBook! http://localhost:8080/AddressBook/
- Refer to AddressBook.sql for mysql script
git clone
cd AddressBook
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.
- Made with ❤
- Don't forget to star it 🌟