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Option to disable word checking. #36

merged 13 commits into from
Apr 19, 2020
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion
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<img src="" width=540>

### 3.6 CtrlP Extention
### 3.6 Option to disable word checking.
#### Disable URI checking.
let g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking = 1

#### Disable checking words in backtick/backquote.
let g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking = 1

### 3.7 CtrlP Extention
#### CtrlPSpell

[ctrlp]( is fuzzy finder.
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88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions autoload/spelunker/get_buffer.vim
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
scriptencoding utf-8

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:window_text_list = getline(1, '$')

let l:newline_character = s:get_newline_character()
let l:window_text = join(l:window_text_list, l:newline_character)

let l:window_text = spelunker#get_buffer#filter_uri(l:window_text)
let l:window_text = spelunker#get_buffer#filter_backquoted_words(l:window_text, l:newline_character)

return split(l:window_text, l:newline_character)

function! spelunker#get_buffer#displayed()
" filter済みのbufferを変数で保持する
" 変数と実際のバッファーは行数が一致するようにする
" filter済みのbufferで処理をしながら、foldの判定を実際のbufferで判定する
let l:filtered_buffer = spelunker#get_buffer#all()

let l:current_line = line('w0')
let l:end_line = line('w$')

let l:window_text_list = []

while 1
if foldclosed(l:current_line) > 0
let l:current_line = foldclosedend(l:current_line) + 1

if l:current_line > l:end_line

" 配列なので現在行-1のindexで取得
let l:line = get(l:filtered_buffer, l:current_line - 1, '')
if l:line != ''
call add(l:window_text_list, l:line)

let l:current_line = l:current_line + 1

return l:window_text_list

function! s:get_newline_character()
return has('win32') || has('win64') ? "\r": "\n"

function! spelunker#get_buffer#filter_uri(text)
if g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking == 0
return a:text

" FYI:
return substitute(a:text, '\w\+:\/\/[^[:space:]]\+', '', 'g')

function! spelunker#get_buffer#filter_backquoted_words(text, newline_character)
" for shell command
" ex) `ls -la`
if g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking == 0
return a:text

" [バッククオート内の文字列削除]
" substituteを2回実行する
" 関数のatomは後方参照出来ないので注意
" 1回目: 改行を含む`以外の文字のマッチ
" 2回目: マッチした文字列の改行以外を全部消す
" [考慮点]
" 1: 改行を考慮
" ex) ```
" `aaa
" bbb`
" ```
" 2: 末尾のバッククオートを考慮
" ex) ```
" aaaa`
" bbb`ccc
" ```
return substitute(a:text, '`\([^`]*[' . a:newline_character . ']*\)\+`', '\=substitute(submatch(0), "[^' . a:newline_character . ']", "", "g")', 'g')
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion autoload/spelunker/jump.vim
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Expand Up @@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ function! spelunker#jump#jump_matched(is_search_next)
let l:end_line = s:get_end_of_line(a:is_search_next)
let l:is_enable_wrapscan = s:is_enable_wrapscan()

let l:filtered_buffer = spelunker#get_buffer#all()

" 表示範囲だけhighlightしている場合もあるので、1行ずつチェックしていく
while 1
let l:matched_pos = -1

let l:spell_bad_list = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:current_line, -1)
let l:spell_bad_list = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list([get(l:filtered_buffer, l:current_line - 1, '')])

if len(l:spell_bad_list) > 0
for word in l:spell_bad_list
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12 changes: 2 additions & 10 deletions autoload/spelunker/spellbad.vim
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Expand Up @@ -9,21 +9,13 @@ let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" end_lineの指定がなければ1行のみ
function! spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(start_line, end_line)
function! spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(window_text_list)
call spelunker#white_list#init_white_list()

let l:window_text_list = []
if a:end_line >= 0
let l:window_text_list = getline(a:start_line, a:end_line)
" 1行のみ
call add(l:window_text_list, getline(a:start_line))

" spellgood で対象から外れる場合もあるので、全部チェックする必要があり
" NOTE: spellgood系操作でmatch_id_dictから消してあげたらチェック不要になる。
" ただし、match_id_dictをglobalにする必要あり
let l:word_list = s:get_word_list(l:window_text_list)
let l:word_list = s:get_word_list(a:window_text_list)

let l:current_spell_setting = spelunker#get_current_spell_setting()
setlocal spell
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion autoload/spelunker/test.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ function! spelunker#test#check(no_exit)
call spelunker#test#test_toggle#test()
call spelunker#test#test_words#test()
call spelunker#test#test_correct#test()
call spelunker#test#test_get_buffer#test()
echomsg 'error occurred:' . v:exception

Expand All @@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ function! spelunker#test#check(no_exit)

if len(v:errors) >= 1
echo v:errors
echomsg v:errors
" error exit
if a:no_exit != 1
execute 'cquit!'
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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions autoload/spelunker/test/test_get_buffer.vim
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
scriptencoding utf-8

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! spelunker#test#test_get_buffer#test()
" init
let g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking = 1
let g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking = 1

call s:test_all()
call s:test_displayed()
call s:test_disable_url_checking()
call s:test_disable_backquoted_checking()
call s:test_folded()

function! s:test_all()
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('words', 'highlight.txt')
call assert_equal(['aple banan lemn', 'apple_banana_lemon', '', 'AppleBananaLemon'], spelunker#get_buffer#all())

function! s:test_displayed()
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('words', 'check.txt')
call assert_equal(['appl banan'], spelunker#get_buffer#displayed())

function! s:test_disable_url_checking()
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('get_buffer', 'disable_url.txt')
call assert_equal(
\ ['abc def', '', 'ghi', '', 'jkl'],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )

let g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking = 0
call assert_equal(
\ ['', '', 'abc def', '', 'ghi', '', 'jkl'],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )

let g:spelunker_disable_uri_checking = 1

function! s:test_disable_backquoted_checking()
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('get_buffer', 'disable_backquote.txt')
call assert_equal(
\ ['abc', '', ' def', '', 'ghi ', ' jkl', '', 'mno', '', 'pqr', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )

let g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking = 0
call assert_equal(
\ [
\ 'abc', '', '`aaa` def', '', 'ghi `fff', 'fff` jkl', '', 'mno`', 'aaa', '`pqr', '', '`ccc',
\ 'ddd', 'eee`', '', '`c', 'd', 'e`'
\ ],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )
let g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking = 1

function! s:test_folded()
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('get_buffer', 'folded.txt')

set foldmethod=marker
set foldcolumn=1
set foldlevel=0

call assert_equal(
\ [
\ '" vim: foldmethod=marker', '" vim: foldcolumn=3', '" vim: foldlevel=0', '', '', '', '', '', '',
\ '', '', '', '', 'aaaaaaa', '', '', '', '', 'grape', '', 'pineappple', '', '', '', '', '', ''
\ ],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )

call assert_equal(
\ ['" vim: foldmethod=marker', '" vim: foldcolumn=3', '" vim: foldlevel=0', 'grape', 'pineappple'],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#displayed()
\ )

let g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking = 0
call assert_equal(
\ [
\ '" vim: foldmethod=marker', '" vim: foldcolumn=3', '" vim: foldlevel=0', '', '', '', '`ccccccccc',
\ '', 'orange peach meron', '" {{{', "\tbanana", "\tbannana", "\t aaa", "\t`aaaaaaa`",
\ '" }}}', '', 'ccc`', '', 'grape', '', 'pineappple', '', '`bbbbbbb`', '', '`a', 'b', 'c', 'd`'
\ ],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#all()
\ )

call assert_equal(
\ [
\ '" vim: foldmethod=marker', '" vim: foldcolumn=3', '" vim: foldlevel=0', '`ccccccccc',
\ 'orange peach meron', 'ccc`', 'grape', 'pineappple', '`bbbbbbb`', '`a', 'b', 'c', 'd`'
\ ],
\ spelunker#get_buffer#displayed()
\ )

let g:spelunker_disable_backquoted_checking = 1

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
43 changes: 24 additions & 19 deletions autoload/spelunker/test/test_spellbad.vim
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Expand Up @@ -22,65 +22,70 @@ endfunction
function! s:test_get_spell_bad_list()
" 通常の引っかかるケース
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list1.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, -1)
call assert_equal(['appl', 'Banan', 'Orag'], l:result)

let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(2, -1)
call assert_equal(['appl', 'banan', 'orag'], l:result)

" First Upper Case and lower case
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 2)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['appl', 'Banan', 'Orag', 'banan', 'orag'], l:result)

" Upper Case
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list2.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 10)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['HTMLF', 'FFFCC'], l:result)

" control character
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list3.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(2, -1)
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list3_1.txt')
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal([], l:result)

let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(5, -1)
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list3_2.txt')
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['Banan', 'Oage', 'Pach'], l:result)

" char count
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list4.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, -1)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['purp', 'purpl'], l:result)

" 先頭大文字のケースしかない単語
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list5.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, -1)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal([], l:result)

" Edge cases
" # #6
" # 過去に[A-Z\s]が事故ってたため
" # (引っかからないケース)
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list6.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, -1)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal([], l:result)

" set spelllang
" # spelllangによる動作の違いのチェック
call spelunker#test#open_unit_test_buffer('spellbad', 'get_spell_bad_list7.txt')
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 10)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal([], l:result)

" en_usなどの国別の設定のケース
setlocal spelllang=en_us

let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 10)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['colour'], l:result)

let g:spelunker_highlight_type = g:spelunker_highlight_spell_bad
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 10)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal([], l:result)

let g:spelunker_highlight_type = g:spelunker_highlight_all
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(1, 10)
let l:window_text_list = spelunker#get_buffer#all()
let l:result = spelunker#spellbad#get_spell_bad_list(l:window_text_list)
call assert_equal(['colour'], l:result)

" 設定戻す
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