safe courier api Python version (Flask Restful)
NodeJs Version
Laravel Version
# create virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv
# or
$ python -m venv venv
# activate virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
# install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# run application
$ python
# run tests
$ python -m unittest discover
Endpoint | Description | Method | Status | Response |
/api/v1/auth/login | Login to the application | POST | 200 | {'acccess_token': '', 'refresh_token': ''...} |
/api/v1/auth/refresh | Refresh access token | POST | 200 | {'acccess_token': '', 'refresh_token': ''...} |
/api/v1/auth/logout | Logout from the application | POST | 200 | {'message': 'Logout successful'} |
/api/v1/auth/logout/refresh | Revoke refresh token | POST | 200 | {'message': 'Successfully logged out'} |
/api/v1/auth/register | Register a new user | POST | 201 | {'message': 'Registration successful'} |
/api/v1/parcels/create | create a parcel | POST | 201 | {'message': 'Parcel created successfully'} |
/api/v1/parcels/<int: percel_id> | Get Parcel by ID | GET | 200 | {...} |
/api/v1/parcels/ | Get Parcels (curent user) | GET | 200 | [{...}, {...}, {...}] |
/api/v1/parcels/<int: percel_id> | Update Parcel | PUT | 200 | {'message': 'Parcel updated successfully'} |
/api/v1/parcels/<int: percel_id> | Delete Parcel | DELETE | 200 | {'message': 'Parcel deleted successfully'} |
/api/v1/users/int:user_id/parcels | Get parcels by user id | GET | 200 | [{...}, {...}, {...}] |
/api/v1/users/int:user_id/parcels/<int: percel_id> | Get parcel by user id and parcel id | GET | 200 | {...} |
/api/v1/admin/parcels/int:parcel_id | Update parcel status, current location (admin only) | PUT | 200 | {...} |
/api/v1/admin/parcels | Get all parcels (admin only) | GET | 200 | [{...}, {...}, {...}] |
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