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Configuration Adding Front End Tooling

rgeleta edited this page Dec 24, 2014 · 1 revision

Currently, Kalastack doesn't come with front end tooling like grunt, bower, sass, compass and yo installed by default as it would add significantly extra time to download even for those who don't use it. If you want to utilize these things on your box, navigate to your Kalastack directory in the command prompt and follow these steps:

###Installing The Goods Halt the box if its running:

$ vagrant halt

Set the KALABOX_FRONTEND environmental variable on the command line and run vagrant up

$ vagrant up --provision

##Testing Stuff To ssh into your server, from within ~/kalastack, issue:

$ vagrant ssh

and then play around

$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ grunt -v
$ ruby -v
$ gem -v
$ compass -v

You've got things!