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Analyzes network traffic of HBase RegionServers


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hbase-packet-inspector (HPI) is a command-line tool for analyzing network traffic of HBase RegionServers.

HPI reads tcpdump files or captures live stream of packets of a network interface to extract the information on client requests and responses.

You can configure it to load the obtained information either to its in-memory database, which you can access via command-line and web-based SQL interface, or to a remote Kafka cluster.


  hbase-packet-inspector [OPTIONS] [-i INTERFACE]
  hbase-packet-inspector [OPTIONS] FILES...

  -h --help                 Show this message
  -i --interface=INTERFACE  Network interface to monitor
  -p --port=PORT            Port to monitor (default: 16020 and 60020)
  -c --count=COUNT          Maximum number of packets to process
  -d --duration=DURATION    Number of seconds to capture packets
  -k --kafka=SERVERS/TOPIC  Kafka bootstrap servers and the name of the topic
                                /T      Both requests and responses to T
                                /T1/T2  Requests to T1, responses to T2
                                /T/     Requests to T, responses are ignored
                                //T     Requests are ignored, responses to T
  -v --verbose              Verbose output

When file arguments are not given, HPI will capture the live stream of packets from a network interface (root permission required). It will continue until a specified time has passed (--duration), or a certain number of packets have been processed (--count), or the user interrupted it by pressing the enter key. Then it will launch command-line and web-based SQL interfaces so you can analyze the results using SQL.

In-memory database


Each version of HPI is distributed as an executable JAR file.

# With JVM options
java -Xmx2g -jar hbase-packet-inspector-0.2.0.jar --help

# Reading from tcpdump output
sudo tcpdump -s 0 -c 100000 -nn -w dump.pcap port 16020 or port 60020
java -jar hbase-packet-inspector-0.2.0.jar dump.pcap

# Capturing live stream of packets; continues until you press enter
sudo java -jar hbase-packet-inspector-0.2.0.jar


Since the size of memory is limited, you'll have to interrupt the live capture at a certain point of time to avoid OOM. But if you want to keep HPI alive to monitor the traffic for longer periods of time, you can make it send records to a remote Kafka cluster in JSON format instead of building the in-memory database.

alias hbase-packet-inspector='java -Xmx2g -jar hbase-packet-inspector-0.2.0.jar'

# Both requests and responses are sent to hbase-traffic topic.
# - See boolean "inbound?" field to differentiate two types of records
hbase-packet-inspector --kafka "bootstrap1:9092,bootstrap2:9092/hbase-traffic"

# Requests to hbase-requests, responses to hbase-responses
hbase-packet-inspector --kafka "bootstrap1:9092,bootstrap2:9092/hbase-requests/hbase-responses"

# Only requests to hbase-requests
hbase-packet-inspector --kafka "bootstrap1:9092,bootstrap2:9092/hbase-requests/"

# Only responses to hbase-requests
hbase-packet-inspector --kafka "bootstrap1:9092,bootstrap2:9092//hbase-requests"

# Additional key-value pairs to be included in each record
hbase-packet-inspector \
    --kafka "bootstrap1:9092,bootstrap2:9092/hbase-traffic?service=twitter&cluster=feed"

Shipping the information to Kafka has the following benefits:

  • Data collection is no longer limited by the size of the physical memory of the server.
  • You can monitor network traffic of multiple RegionServers at once and get a better picture of the cluster activity.
  • You can build a sophisticated data pipeline using multiple Kafka consumers as shown in the figure below.

Kafka example

Note that HPI doesn't have to run on RegionServers. You can deploy it on application servers running HBase client processes.

HPI on application servers

Database schema

Database schema

Requests (client requests)

Column Data type Description
ts timestamp Event timestamp
client varchar Client IP address
port int Client port
call_id int Call ID
server varchar Server IP address
method varchar Request type (e.g. get, put, ...)
size int Byte size of the request
batch int Number of actions in batch request. Null if not a batch request.
table varchar Table name
region varchar Encoded region name
row varchar Row key or start row key for a scan
stoprow varchar Stop row key for a scan
cells int Number of cells attached
durability varchar Durability mode
  • row and stoprow columns are stored as human-readable versions of the original byte arrays obtained by applying Bytes.toStringBinary.
  • call_id is not globally unique nor monotonically increasing. Join between the tables should be performed on [client, port, call_id] columns.

Actions (for multi requests)

A batch/multi request can consist of multiple actions of different types. Embedded as actions array when sent to Kafka as JSON record.

Column Data type Description
client varchar Client IP address
port int Client port
call_id int Call ID
method varchar Request type
table varchar Table name
region varchar Encoded region name
row varchar Row key
cells int Number of cells attached
durability varchar Durability mode

Responses (server response)

Same as requests, but with the following additional columns:

Column Data type Description
error varchar Exception. Null if succeeded.
elapsed int Elapsed time in millisecond
  • elapsed is measured as the difference between the timestamp of a request and that of the matching response.

Results (for multi responses)

Same as actions, but with error column. Embedded as results array when sent to Kafka as JSON record.


# Build executable uber JAR file -> target/hbase-packet-inspector-<VERSION>.jar
lein uberjar

RPM for Centos 6 and 7

This repository includes Makefile for building RPM files for Centos 6 and 7 using Docker.

make rpm

RPM files will be created under rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64 directory.



lein test

# For coverage report, use lein-cloverage (
lein cloverage

Generating fixtures

Some of the test cases read actual tcpdump output files for a predefined series of HBase client operations. They were generated by running inside Docker container built with the included Dockerfile.

(cd dev-resources/load-generator && lein uberjar)
docker build -t hpi-test-env .
docker run -v $(PWD)/dev-resources:/data -it hpi-test-env /data/

Testing functions on REPL

Familiarize yourself with the way HPI works by trying out the following snippet on Clojure REPL (lein repl).

(ns user
  (:require [hbase-packet-inspector.core :as core]
            [hbase-packet-inspector.sink.db :as db]
            [hbase-packet-inspector.sink.kafka :as kafka]
            [ :as io]
            [ :as log]
            [ :as jdbc]))

;;; Log records parsed from tcpdump output file
 (.getPath (io/resource "scan.pcap"))
 #(log/info %)
 {:port 16201})

;;; Load records into H2 in-memory database
(def connection
  (doto (db/connect) db/create))

(let [load (db/load-fn connection)]
    (.getPath (io/resource "scan.pcap"))
    {:port 16201}))

(jdbc/query {:connection connection} "select count(*) from requests")

;;; See how records are sent to Kafka
  (.getPath (io/resource "randomRead.pcap"))
  #(log/info (.value (kafka/make-record "hbase-packets" %)))
  {:port 16201})

Caveats and known issues

  • If the rate of the packet stream exceeds the processing capacity of HPI, packets will be dropped, and HPI will not be able to capture the precise statistics of the workload.

  • HPI uses libpcap to capture packets, and it's known to be expensive. You have to be aware that running HPI (or just tcpdump) can degrade the peak performance of the server by up to 20%. Our rule of thumb is to run it only on RegionServers with relatively low CPU usage (e.g. less than 50%) or on application servers as HPI can correctly determine which peer is a RegionServer by examining the port numbers.

  • HPI is inherently more expensive than tcpdump. It has to process and interpret the packet stream, and build in-memory database or send the information to Kafka after gzip compression. The whole process can occupy up to 2 + min(2, floor(TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_CORES / 4)) cores or your server. So if you're concerned about the CPU usage of the server, you might want to dump the packets using tcpdump, copy it to another server and run HPI there. Or you can deploy HPI on application servers as noted above.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright 2017 Kakao Corp.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.