- LinearBezier
- QuadraticBezier
- CubicBezier
new LinearBezier(start:Point, end:Point);
new QuadraticBezier(start:Point, control:Point, end:Point)
new CubicBezier(start:Point, startControl:Point, endControl:Point, end:Point)
Computing Intersections Between for a Line, Quadratic Bezier Curve, Cubic Bezier Curve, Rectangle and Ellipse.
Computing Intersections Between [a Line] and [a Line].
Computing Intersections Between [a Line] and [a Quadratic Bezier Curve].
Computing Intersections Between [a Line] and [a Cubic Bezier Curve].
Computing Intersections Between [a Quadratic Bezier Curve] and [a Quadratic Bezier Curve].
Computing Intersections Between [a Quadratic Bezier Curve] and [a Cubic Bezier Curve].
Computing Intersections Between [a Cubic Bezier Curve] and [a Cubic Bezier Curve].
Computing Intersections Between [a Linear Bezier Curve] and [a Ellipse].
Computing Intersections Between [a Linear Bezier Curve] and [a Rectangle].
Computing Intersections Between [a Quadratic Bezier Curve] and [a Ellipse].
Computing Intersections Between [a Quadratic Bezier Curve] and [a Rectangle].
Computing Intersections Between [a Cubic Bezier Curve] and [a Ellipse].
Computing Intersections Between [a Cubic Bezier Curve] and [a Rectangle].
Computing Intersections Between [a Ellipse] and [a Ellipse].
Computing Intersections Between [a Ellipse] and [a Rectangle ].
Computing Intersections Between [a Rectangle] and [a Rectangle].
getIntersections(src:IGeometric, dest:IGeometric):Vector.<Point>
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