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jmcardon committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent a8856bf commit 176ccba
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Showing 26 changed files with 508 additions and 334 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions docs/builtins/Repl/
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
## env-keys (DEPRECATED)

Load and evaluate a file, resetting repl state beforehand if optional RESET is

### Basic syntax

To load a separate pact or repl file, call

(load "my-file.pact")

If the load requires resetting repl state, use

(load "my-file.pact" true)

## Arguments

Use the following argument when using the `env-keys` Pact function.

| Argument | Type | Description |
| File | string | The file to load |
| Reset | bool | (Optional) Reset the repl state before loading |

### Return value

`load` returns the unit value `()`

### Example

The following example demonstrates how to use the `env-keys` function to set "my-key" and "admin-key" as the current transaction signing keys in a Pact REPL:

pact> (load "hello-world.repl")
"Hello pact!"
115 changes: 71 additions & 44 deletions pact-lsp/Pact/Core/LanguageServer.hs
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Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Exit

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict(put)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
Expand All @@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ import qualified Pact.Core.Syntax.ParseTree as Lisp
import qualified Pact.Core.Syntax.Lexer as Lisp
import qualified Pact.Core.Syntax.Parser as Lisp
import Pact.Core.IR.Term
import Pact.Core.Persistence
import Pact.Core.LanguageServer.Utils
import Pact.Core.LanguageServer.Renaming
import Pact.Core.Repl.BuiltinDocs
Expand All @@ -59,12 +62,13 @@ import qualified Pact.Core.IR.ModuleHashing as MHash
import qualified Pact.Core.IR.ConstEval as ConstEval
import qualified Pact.Core.Repl.Compile as Repl
import Pact.Core.Interpreter
import Data.Default

data LSState =
{ _lsReplState :: M.Map NormalizedUri (ReplState ReplCoreBuiltin)
-- ^ Post-Compilation State for each opened file
, _lsTopLevel :: M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]
, _lsTopLevel :: M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin FileLocSpanInfo]
-- ^ Top-level terms for each opened file. Used to find the match of a
-- particular (cursor) position inside the file.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,9 +205,9 @@ sendDiagnostics nuri mv content = liftIO (setupAndProcessFile nuri content) >>=
-- We emit an empty set of diagnostics
publishDiagnostics 0 nuri mv $ partitionBySource []
pactErrorToDiagnostic :: PactError SpanInfo -> Diagnostic
pactErrorToDiagnostic :: PactError FileLocSpanInfo -> Diagnostic
pactErrorToDiagnostic err = Diagnostic
{ _range = err ^. peInfo .to spanInfoToRange
{ _range = err ^. peInfo . spanInfo . to spanInfoToRange
, _severity = Just DiagnosticSeverity_Error
, _code = Nothing -- We do not have any error code right now
, _codeDescription = Nothing
Expand All @@ -226,12 +230,11 @@ sendDiagnostics nuri mv content = liftIO (setupAndProcessFile nuri content) >>=
:: NormalizedUri
-> Text
-> IO (Either (PactError SpanInfo)
-> IO (Either (PactError FileLocSpanInfo)
(ReplState ReplCoreBuiltin
,M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]))
,M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin FileLocSpanInfo]))
setupAndProcessFile nuri content = do
pdb <- mockPactDb serialisePact_repl_spaninfo
gasLog <- newIORef Nothing
pdb <- mockPactDb serialisePact_repl_flspaninfo
builtinMap = if isReplScript fp
then replBuiltinMap
Expand All @@ -242,7 +245,6 @@ setupAndProcessFile nuri content = do
src = SourceCode (takeFileName fp) content
rstate = ReplState
{ _replFlags = mempty
, _replEvalLog = gasLog
, _replCurrSource = src
, _replEvalEnv = ee
, _replTx = Nothing
Expand All @@ -252,10 +254,13 @@ setupAndProcessFile nuri content = do
-- since there may be no way for us to set it for the LSP from pact directly.
-- Once this is possible, we can set it to `False` as is the default
, _replNativesEnabled = True
, _replLoad = doLoad
, _replLogType = ReplStdOut
, _replLoadedFiles = mempty
, _replOutputLine = const (pure ())
stateRef <- newIORef rstate
res <- runReplT stateRef (processFile Repl.interpretEvalBigStep nuri content)
res <- runReplT stateRef (processFile Repl.interpretEvalBigStep nuri src)
st <- readIORef stateRef
pure $ (st,) <$> res
Expand All @@ -270,9 +275,10 @@ spanInfoToRange (SpanInfo sl sc el ec) = mkRange

:: Position
-> [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]
-> Maybe (PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo)
:: HasSpanInfo i
=> Position
-> [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin i]
-> Maybe (PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin i)
getMatch pos tl = getAlt (foldMap (Alt . topLevelTermAt pos) tl)

documentDefinitionRequestHandler :: Handlers LSM
Expand All @@ -292,7 +298,7 @@ documentDefinitionRequestHandler = requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentDefinition
pure Nothing
_ -> pure Nothing
debug $ "documentDefinition request: " <> renderText nuri
let loc = Location uri' . spanInfoToRange
let loc = Location uri' . spanInfoToRange . view spanInfo
case loc <$> tlDefSpan of
Just x -> resp (Right $ InL $ Definition (InL x))
Nothing -> resp (Right $ InR $ InR Null)
Expand All @@ -311,7 +317,7 @@ documentHoverRequestHandler = requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentHover $ \req re
(M.lookup (replCoreBuiltinToUserText builtin) builtinDocs)

mc = MarkupContent MarkupKind_Markdown (_markdownDoc docs)
range = spanInfoToRange i
range = spanInfoToRange (view spanInfo i)
hover = Hover (InL mc) (Just range)
in resp (Right (InL hover))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -350,40 +356,61 @@ documentRenameRequestHandler = requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentRename $ \req
we = WorkspaceEdit Nothing (Just [InL te]) Nothing
resp (Right (InL we))

doLoad :: FilePath -> Bool -> EvalM ReplRuntime ReplCoreBuiltin FileLocSpanInfo ()
doLoad fp reset = do
oldSrc <- useReplState replCurrSource
fp' <- mangleFilePath fp
res <- liftIO $ E.try (T.readFile fp')
pactdb <- liftIO (mockPactDb serialisePact_repl_flspaninfo)
oldEE <- useReplState replEvalEnv
when reset $ do
ee <- liftIO (defaultEvalEnv pactdb replBuiltinMap)
put def
replEvalEnv .== ee
when (Repl.isPactFile fp) $ esLoaded . loToplevel .= mempty
_ <- case res of
Left (_e:: E.IOException) ->
throwExecutionError def $ EvalError $ "File not found: " <> T.pack fp
Right txt -> do
let source = SourceCode fp txt
replCurrSource .== source
let nfp = normalizedFilePathToUri (toNormalizedFilePath fp')
processFile Repl.interpretEvalBigStep nfp source
replCurrSource .== oldSrc
unless reset $ do
replEvalEnv .== oldEE
pure ()

mangleFilePath :: FilePath -> EvalM ReplRuntime b FileLocSpanInfo FilePath
mangleFilePath fp = do
(SourceCode currFile _) <- useReplState replCurrSource
case currFile of
"<local>" -> pure fp
_ | isAbsolute fp -> pure fp
| takeFileName currFile == currFile -> pure fp
| otherwise -> pure $ combine (takeDirectory currFile) fp

:: Interpreter ReplRuntime ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo
:: Interpreter ReplRuntime ReplCoreBuiltin FileLocSpanInfo
-> NormalizedUri
-> Text
-> ReplM ReplCoreBuiltin (M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo])
processFile replEnv nuri source = do
lexx <- liftEither (Lisp.lexer source)
parsed <- liftEither $ Lisp.parseReplProgram lexx
-> SourceCode
-> ReplM ReplCoreBuiltin (M.Map NormalizedUri [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin FileLocSpanInfo])
processFile replEnv nuri (SourceCode f source) = do
lexx <- liftEither $ over _Left (fmap toFileLoc) (Lisp.lexer source)
parsed <- liftEither $ bimap (fmap toFileLoc) ((fmap.fmap) toFileLoc) $ Lisp.parseReplProgram lexx
M.unionsWith (<>) <$> traverse pipe parsed
currFile = maybe "<local>" fromNormalizedFilePath (uriToNormalizedFilePath nuri)
mangleFilePath fp = case currFile of
"<local>" -> pure fp
_ | isAbsolute fp -> pure fp
| takeFileName currFile == currFile -> pure fp
| otherwise -> pure $ combine (takeDirectory currFile) fp
pipe rtl = case Repl.topLevelIsReplLoad rtl of
Right (Repl.ReplLoadFile fp _ i) -> do
fp' <- mangleFilePath (T.unpack fp)
res <- liftIO $ E.try (T.readFile fp')
case res of
Left (_e:: E.IOException) ->
throwExecutionError i $ EvalError $ "File not found: " <> fp
Right txt -> do
let nfp = normalizedFilePathToUri (toNormalizedFilePath fp')
processFile replEnv nfp txt
Left (Lisp.RTLTopLevel tl) -> do
functionDocs tl
(ds, deps) <- compileDesugarOnly replEnv tl
constEvaled <- ConstEval.evalTLConsts replEnv ds
tlFinal <- MHash.hashTopLevel constEvaled
let act = M.singleton nuri [ds] <$ evalTopLevel replEnv (RawCode mempty) tlFinal deps
catchError act (const (pure mempty))
_ -> pure mempty
toFileLoc = FileLocSpanInfo f
pipe (Lisp.RTLTopLevel tl) = do
functionDocs tl
(ds, deps) <- compileDesugarOnly replEnv tl
constEvaled <- ConstEval.evalTLConsts replEnv ds
tlFinal <- MHash.hashTopLevel constEvaled
let act = M.singleton nuri [ds] <$ evalTopLevel replEnv (RawCode mempty) tlFinal deps
catchError act (const (pure mempty))
pipe _ = pure mempty

sshow :: Show a => a -> Text
sshow = T.pack . show
24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions pact-lsp/Pact/Core/LanguageServer/Renaming.hs
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Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ import Data.Maybe

:: [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]
:: [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin i]
-> ModuleName
-> Text
-> (Maybe (EvalIfDef ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo), Maybe (EvalDef ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo))
-> (Maybe (EvalIfDef ReplCoreBuiltin i), Maybe (EvalDef ReplCoreBuiltin i))
matchingDefs tls mn n = (interfaceDef, moduleDef)
interfaceDef = do
Expand All @@ -41,23 +41,25 @@ matchingDefs tls mn n = (interfaceDef, moduleDef)

:: (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo -> Bool)
-> EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo
-> [EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]
:: forall i. ()
=> (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i -> Bool)
-> EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin i
-> [EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i]
matchingTerms predicate topLevel = let
terms = toListOf topLevelTerms topLevel
in concatMap (toListOf filteredTerms) terms
filteredTerms :: Traversal'
(EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo) (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo)
(EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i) (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i)
filteredTerms = traverseTerm . filtered predicate

:: [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo]
-> PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo
:: HasSpanInfo i
=> [EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin i]
-> PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin i
-> [SpanInfo]
getRenameSpanInfo tls = \case
TermMatch (Var (Name n vt) _) -> case vt of
Expand All @@ -68,13 +70,13 @@ getRenameSpanInfo tls = \case
_ -> False
termOccurences = toListOf (each . termInfo) $ concatMap (matchingTerms isSameVar) tls
(mInterfPos, mDefPos) = bimap (fmap ifDefNameInfo) (fmap defNameInfo) (matchingDefs tls mn n)
concat [maybeToList mInterfPos, maybeToList mDefPos, termOccurences]
fmap (view spanInfo) $ concat [maybeToList mInterfPos, maybeToList mDefPos, termOccurences]
_ -> mempty
DefunMatch (Defun spec _args _body _) -> do
let dName = _argName spec
isSameVar = \case
Var (Name n _) _ -> n == dName
_ -> False
termOccurences = toListOf (each . termInfo) $ concatMap (matchingTerms isSameVar) tls
_argInfo spec : termOccurences
termOccurences = toListOf (each . termInfo . spanInfo) $ concatMap (matchingTerms isSameVar) tls
view spanInfo (_argInfo spec) : termOccurences
_ -> mempty
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions pact-lsp/Pact/Core/LanguageServer/Utils.hs
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |

module Pact.Core.LanguageServer.Utils where
Expand All @@ -13,9 +14,10 @@ import Control.Lens hiding (inside)
import Pact.Core.Imports

:: Position
-> EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo
-> Maybe (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo)
:: HasSpanInfo i
=> Position
-> EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i
-> Maybe (EvalTerm ReplCoreBuiltin i)
termAt p term
| p `inside` view termInfo term = case term of
t@(Lam _ b _) -> termAt p b <|> Just t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,9 +57,10 @@ data PositionMatch b i
deriving Show

:: Position
-> EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo
-> Maybe (PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin SpanInfo)
:: HasSpanInfo i
=> Position
-> EvalTopLevel ReplCoreBuiltin i
-> Maybe (PositionMatch ReplCoreBuiltin i)
topLevelTermAt p = \case
TLModule m -> goModule m
TLInterface i -> goInterface i
Expand All @@ -77,7 +80,7 @@ topLevelTermAt p = \case
-- otherwise, we follow as usual.
case termAt p tm of
Nothing -> Just (DefunMatch d)
Just tm' -> if i == view termInfo tm'
Just tm' -> if view spanInfo i == view (termInfo.spanInfo) tm'
then Just (DefunMatch d)
else TermMatch <$> termAt p tm
| otherwise -> Nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,8 +110,8 @@ topLevelTermAt p = \case
StepWithRollback tm1 tm2 -> TermMatch <$> (termAt p tm1 <|> termAt p tm2)

-- | Check if a `Position` is contained within a `Span`
inside :: Position -> SpanInfo -> Bool
inside pos (SpanInfo sl sc el ec) = sPos <= pos && pos < ePos
inside :: HasSpanInfo i => Position -> i -> Bool
inside pos (view spanInfo -> SpanInfo sl sc el ec) = sPos <= pos && pos < ePos
sPos = Position (fromIntegral sl) (fromIntegral sc)
ePos = Position (fromIntegral el) (fromIntegral ec)

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