CiOn (means - Cinema Online) is an application that makes watching movies on Android easier.
CiOn supports two themes - Light and Dark. You can toggle it in your smartphone settings.
Languages and tools used in this project:
- Kotlin as a main programming language
- Koin as a Dependency Injection framework
- Retrofit as an HTTP-client
- GSON as a JSON to DTO converter
- Coroutines for a multithreading
- Cicerone as a screens' navigation
- Glide for an image loading
- ExoPlayer for a video player
On the Main Screen you will see some movies cards, which you can scroll vertically.
Tap on the info icon to open About Movie Screen.
Tap on the play icon to open Video Player Screen.
You can see it in demo section below in the Demo.
On the About Movie Screen you will see film poster, genres and overview
On the Video Player Screen you will watch selected movie in full screen mode.