This is a version of the command line utility t.
This is still a very new program so there are probably many bugs however if you get any of the following try the solutions first as they're known about:
If you get something which looks like:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./p", line 27, in <module>
from pypump import WebPump, Client, JSONStore
ImportError: No module named pypump
That's because you don't have the modules you need to, please run:
$ virtualenv . && . bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(everytime you wish to use p you will have to do . bin/activate
this is until you have
the dependecies installed on your system).
You will also need to use python p <command>
until you install the dependences in your
real enviroment (not in a virtual one).
To add a new account to p you need to authorize it:
$ p authorize <webfinger>
To list all the authorized accounts:
$ p accounts
To switch between multiple accounts you can use
$ p set active <webfinger>
Type p --help
to list the available commands. To get more information you can do:
$ p <subcommand> --help
Post a note by using:
$ p post note "I'm posting a note via the command line ^_^"
(For compatability with t p update
is aliased to p new
To get detailed information about a user you can use:
$ p whois <webfinger>
If the user you want is on the same server you can just put their username.
To follow a user
$ p follow <webfinger>
To unfollow a user
$ p unfollow <webfinger>
You can post notes and images via p, there are several ways this is how:
$ p post note "Hai this is a message from p ^_^."
$ p post image /home/jessica/Pictures/awesome.png
$ cat something.txt | p post note
You can see items in your inbox by doing, this by default will show the last 20 items:
$ p inbox
p is under the GPLv3 (or at your option later).