- Python 2.7
- Robot framework
- Selenium2Library
Create a virtualenv with python2
$ mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python2) [your-virtual-env-name]
Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:kaaanshady/robot-framework-guide.git
Change directory and set virtualenv to your folder
$ cd ../robot-framework-guide-master
$ setvirtualenvproject
Install Requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Running tests
$ robot TEST-CASE-NAME.robot
The thing is on robot framework :
- Making testing much simpler and easy.
- Robot framework has cool test reports.
- When you run tests , robot creates reports.
Create a file.robot , you should use .robot extension
Write your test cases on that file
and run with
$ robot file-name.robot
- Settings
- Variables
- Test cases
- Keywords
Where you can import libraries like Selenium2Library
Example :
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Notice that between 'Library' and 'Selenium2Library'
have 4 spaces.
Where you can , define variables for Test Cases and Keywords
You can define variables like ...
Example :
*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} Firefox
${SITEURL} http://www.google.com
This section for writing test cases
Example :
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser
Search For Ed
Click For Shape Of You
sleep ${DELAY}
Close Browser
Note :
In that test case , FindShapeOfYou is TEST-CASE-NAME
and the below , instructions(keywords) of what to do with that test case.
I think most important section is keywords.
You can define keywords and that keywords can do anything you want.
You can give their parameter some arguments and use them.
Example :
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser
Open Browser ${SITEURL} ${BROWSER}
Search For Ed
Input Text [id-or-some-locator-of-element] ed sheeran
Click For Shape Of You
Click Link Ed Sheeran - Shape of You [Official Video]
Notice that , you shouldn't forget using 4 spaces when defining anything
and when you want to give arguments to parameters of Keywords
you should give 2 spaces.