Version History
V 0.0.19 (Future)
- Encrypt Communications
- Check server certificate
V 0.0.18 (Future)
- Send logs to the server
- Software update
- Automate key registeration + generation
V 0.0.17 (Future)
- Different message types and commands
- Agility cleanup
- Clean up timings
V 0.0.16 (Future)
- Seperate processes for actions
- Solved reconnection problem due to a race condition
V 0.0.15 (Deployed Beta)
- Client sends the ping to the server
- Client tries to establish a new connection if it does not receive a reply
V 0.0.12
- Replies to ping
V 0.0.1
- Improved status message check for reverse ssh task
- Added software version
Debugging Info
helps to see packets going around
sudo tcpflow -i any -C -J port 9000
This is also a thing but didn't use it much
tcpdump port 9000
Setup Instructions
add this to the /etc/rc.local file
cd /home/pi/centree_tunnel_client
screen -d -m -s /bin/bash python3
add the ssh key located in the resources folder to /home/pi/.ssh/ folder
execute this command once to get the server fingerprint on the client
ssh -N -R 7002:localhost:22 -i /home/pi/.ssh/ssh_server_key [email protected]
PING Message
"payload": "{"utility_type": "PING"}",
"sender": "server",
"to": "floatingPi",
"type": "utility"
when the client receives the ping message it replies with ping,
"payload": "ping reply",
"sender": "floatingPi",
"to": "server",
"type": "utility"
This ensures that the tcp conenction remains open! wo la!
REVERSE SSH { "payload": "{"parameters": "{\"remote_port\": 7005, \"name\": \"shell connection\", \"local_port\": 22}", "action_type": "SSH", "command": "SSH-Start"}", "sender": "server", "to": "floatingPi", "type": "action" }
after this message if the client can start the reverse ssh successfully it returns
{ "payload": "SSH Started Port 7005", "sender": "floatingPi", "to": "server", "type": "result" }
STOP { "payload": "{"parameters": "{\"name\": \"shell connection\"}", "action_type": "SSH", "command": "SSH-Stop"}", "sender": "server", "to": "floatingPi", "type": "action" }
{ "payload": "SSH Stopped name shell connection", "sender": "floatingPi", "to": "server", "type": "result" }