Addons Forge
- Fork - once per person
- Clone - once per computer
- Create new branch - once per addon (or set of addons). For managers only, because push access is needed.
- Get branch from upstream - once per addon
- PR to addons-dev - as much as needed.
- Merge PR to addons-dev - as much as needed. For managers only.
- Final PR to target repo - once per addon
- After accepting Final PR, addon is published at apps store automatically with a delay of up to 24 hours
- Further updates - PRs are sent directly to target repo.
Click Fork button at top right hand corner
Clone your fork to your machine:
git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/addons-dev.git
Add remotes
cd addons-dev git remote add upstream [email protected]:it-projects-llc/addons-dev.git git remote add misc-addons git remote add pos-addons git remote add mail-addons git remote add access-addons git remote add website-addons git remote add l10n-addons
# specify target, repo and branch:
export REPO=misc-addons BRANCH=12.0 FEATURE=some_feature
# fetch remote
git fetch ${REPO}
# create new branch
git checkout -b ${REPO}-${BRANCH}-${FEATURE} ${REPO}/${BRANCH}
# push to upstream
git push upstream ${REPO}-${BRANCH}-${FEATURE}
# done
# get branch from upstream
git fetch upstream misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
git checkout -b misc-addons-12.0-some_feature upstream/misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# work and make commits
git commit ...
# push to origin
git push origin misc-addons-11.0-some_feature
# create pull request via github interface to it-projects-llc/addons-dev repo
Usually, Squash and merge
button is used to merge PR. In that case, update PR reference to avoid wrong reference after merging to target repo. For example, suggested comment was
[ADD] pos product category discount (#178)
One need to update it as following:
[ADD] pos product category discount (it-projects-llc/addons-dev#178)
Otherwise after merging to target repo the link will be
instead of
# example for misc-addons
cd /path/to/misc-addons
# add remote if it doesn't exist yet
git remote add addons-dev
# fetch remote
git fetch addons-dev misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# create branch
git checkout -b 12.0-some-feature addons-dev/misc-addons-12.0-some_feature
# Sync with upstream
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/12.0
# push to your fork of target repo
git push origin 12.0-some-feature
# create PR to target repo