This repository implements a Movie Recommendation Engine which recommends new movies to different users with FlunkSVD, Knowledge Based Recommendation and Content Based Recommendation.
Instantiate the recommender class
rec = r.Recommender()
To make recommendations for users in the dataset, call the make_recommendations function with first parameter as the user id and the second parameter as the keyword 'user'.
rec.make_recommendations(8, 'user')
To make recommendations for users not in the dataset, call the make_recommendations function with first parameter as the user id and the second parameter as the keyword 'user'.
rec.make_recommendations(1, 'user')
To make recommendations for a movie in the dataset, call the make_recommendations function with the parameter as movie id.
To make recommendations for a movie not in the dataset, call the make_recommendations function with the parameter as movie id.
Here, we have developed a Recommender System which uses FunkSVD to make predictions of user movie ratings. And uses either FunkSVD or a Knowledge Based Recommendation (highest ranked) to make recommendations for users. Finally, if given a movie, the recommender will provide movies that are most similar as a Content Based Recommender.