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Responsive React Flexbox Grid System

Build Status npm version


  • Simple API for quickly controlling layout
  • Helps promote composability and separation of concerns
  • CSS-in-JS built in - no external dependencies
  • Only generates the CSS needed to render

Getting Started

npm install reflexbox
import React from 'react'
import { Flex, Box } from 'reflexbox'

class Component extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Flex p={2} align='center'>
        <Box px={2} w={1/2}>Box A</Box>
        <Box px={2} w={1/2}>Box B</Box>


// Fractional width
<Box w={1/2} />

// Pixel width
<Box w={128} />

// Responsive widths
<Box w={[ 1, 1/2, 1/4 ]} />

// Padding
<Box p={2} />

// Responsive padding
<Box p={[ 1, 2, 3 ]} />

// Margin
<Box m={2} />

// Responsive margin
<Box m={[ 1, 2, 3 ]} />

// top, right, bottom, left

// x-axis
<Box mx={-2} />

// y-axis
<Box my={3} />

// align-items: center
<Flex align='center' />

// justify-content: space-between
<Flex justify='space-between' />

// Flex wrap
<Flex wrap />

// Flex direction column
<Flex column />

// Order
<Box order={2} />

// flex: 1 1 auto
<Box auto />


<Flex />

Component primitive with display: flex

<Box />

Primitive for controlling width, margin, padding and more.


Both <Flex /> and <Box /> share the same props.

  • w (number|string) sets width, where numbers 0-1 are percentage values, larger numbers are pixel values, and strings are raw CSS values with units.
  • flex (boolean) sets display: flex
  • wrap (boolean) sets flex-wrap: wrap
  • column (boolean) sets flex-direction: column
  • auto (boolean) sets flex: 1 1 auto
  • order (number) sets order
  • align (string) sets align-items
  • justify (string) sets justify-content

Margin and Padding

Margin and padding props accept numbers 0-4 for values from the spacing scale [ 0, 8, 16, 32, 64 ]. Numbers greater than 4 will be used as pixel values. Negative values can be used for negative margins. Strings can be passed for other CSS values, e.g. mx='auto'

  • m (number|string) margin based on a scale from 0–4.
  • mx (number|string) x-axis margin based on a scale from 0–4.
  • my (number|string) y-axis margin based on a scale from 0–4.
  • mt (number|string) margin-top based on a scale from 0–4.
  • mb (number|string) margin-bottom based on a scale from 0–4.
  • ml (number|string) margin-left based on a scale from 0–4.
  • mr (number|string) margin-right based on a scale from 0–4.
  • p (number|string) padding based on a scale from 0–4.
  • px (number|string) x-axis padding based on a scale from 0–4.
  • py (number|string) y-axis padding based on a scale from 0–4.
  • pt (number|string) padding-top based on a scale from 0–4.
  • pb (number|string) padding-bottom based on a scale from 0–4.
  • pl (number|string) padding-left based on a scale from 0–4.
  • pr (number|string) padding-right based on a scale from 0–4.

Responsive Array Prop Values

All props accept arrays as values for mobile-first responsive styles.

// Set widths for different breakpoints, starting from smallest to largest
// This example will be 100% width below the smallest breakpoint,
// then 50% and 25% for the next two breakpoints respectively
<Box w={[ 1, 1/2, 1/4 ]} />

Null values can be passed to the array to skip a breakpoint.

<Box w={[ 1, null, 1/2 ]} />


Values for the breakpoints and space scale can be configured with React Context.

Context can be set manually or with the <ReflexProvider /> component.

import React from 'react'
import { ReflexProvider, Flex, Box } from 'reflexbox'

const space = [ 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 ]
const breakpoints = [ 32, 48, 64 ]

class App extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <Flex mx={-2}>
          <Box w={1/4} px={2}>Box</Box>
          <Box w={1/4} px={2}>Box</Box>
          <Box w={1/4} px={2}>Box</Box>
          <Box w={1/4} px={2}>Box</Box>

Higher Order Component

The core Reflexbox higher-order component can be used on any element that accepts className as a prop.

import React from 'react'
import { reflex } from 'reflexbox'
import MyInput from './MyInput'

const FlexInput = reflex(MyInput)

const App = () => (
      defaultValue='Flex Input'


This currently DOES NOT work in Node.js server-side applications. If you need server-side support, see version ^2.2.0 or one of the related libraries below.


MIT License