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Simplified development toolkit for participants of adversarial competition

This is modified from the development toolkit for the Competition on Adversarial Attacks and Defenses 2018



Following software required to use this package:


Installation procedure

To be able to run the examples you need to download checkpoints for provided models as well as dataset.

To download the dataset and all checkpoints run following:


To download randomly 100 images and all checkpoints run following:


If you only want to download checkpoints run following:


If you only want to to download the dataset then you can run:

./ <output_folder> <number of images>


This toolkit includes DEV dataset with 1000 labelled images. DEV dataset could be used for development and testing of adversarial attacks and defenses.

Details about dataset are here.

Sample attacks and defenses

Toolkit includes examples of attacks and defenses in the following directories:

  • sample_attacks/ - directory with examples of attacks:
    • sample_attacks/fgsm/ - Fast gradient sign attack.
    • sample_attacks/noop/ - No-op attack, which just copied images unchanged.
    • sample_attacks/MultiModelIterativeMethod/ - Submission for NIPS 2017: (5th place), which is based on BasicIterativeMethod included in CleverHans with following three modifications. [code]
      • Three models are attacked; inception_v3.ckpt, adv_inception_v3.ckpt, ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt.
      • Number of iteration is set 10 to finish attacking in time.
      • Gradient is smoothed spatially. This procedure make smoothed perturbation and encourage transferability.
  • sample_targeted_attacks/ - directory with examples of targeted attacks:
    • sample_targeted_attacks/target_attack_EOT_toshi_on_randomPadding/ - Our implementation of EOT on Toshi attack. (Iteration=90 takes 70 sec to generate 1 picture ) EOT: [code][paper]

    • sample_targeted_attacks/momentum/ - Submission for NIPS competition 2017 (1st place). A novel momentum iterative method has been applied to avoid the local minimium.[code][paper]

    • sample_targeted_attacks/target_class_toshi_k/ - Submission for NIPS 2017: (9th place), which is based on iter_target_class with following four modifications. [code]

      • Three models are attacked; inception_v3.ckpt, adv_inception_v3.ckpt, ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt.
      • Number of iteration is set 14 to finish attacking in time.
      • Gradient is smoothed spatially. This procedure make smoothed perturbation and encourage transferability.
      • Save method with Image (PIL) is used to save images, instead of imsave (scipy.misc).
    • sample_targeted_attacks/target_class_toshi_k_Sangxia/ - Submission for NIPS 2017: (2nd place). [code]

      • Three models are attacked; inception_v3.ckpt, adv_inception_v3.ckpt, ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt.
      • Number of iteration is set to 20.
    • sample_targeted_attacks/ucnesl_targeted/ - Submission for NIPS 2017: (6th place). [code]

      • Three models are attacked; inception_v3.ckpt, adv_inception_v3.ckpt, ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2.ckpt.
      • Number of iteration is set to 200. At each iteration, get the average of all 3 x_adv
      • It has a if-conditon check to make sure time is not over the limit.
    • sample_targeted_attacks/iter_target_class/ - iterative target class attack. This is a pretty good white-box attack, but it does not do well in black box setting.

  • sample_defenses/ - directory with examples of defenses:
    • sample_defenses/base_inception_model/ - baseline inception classifier, which actually does not provide any defense against adversarial examples.
    • sample_defenses/adv_inception_v3/ - adversarially trained Inception v3 model from Adversarial Machine Learning at Scale. [paper]
    • sample_defenses/inceptionv4_model/ - baseline Inception v4 classifier model from Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning. [paper]
    • sample_defenses/ens_adv_inception_resnet_v2/ - Inception ResNet v2 model which is adversarially trained against an ensemble of different kind of adversarial examples. Model is described in Ensemble Adversarial Training: Attacks and Defenses. [paper]
    • sample_defenses/Guided_Denoise/ - Submission for NIPS competition 2017 (1st place). A denoise network has been trained.[code][paper]
    • sample_defenses/Guided_Denoise_14/ - Submission for CAAD 2018. First place in the first round. Modified Guided_Denoise to keep model 1 and 4 only. Enhanced defense performance against Toshi targeted attack.
    • sample_defenses/Random_padding_IresV2/ - Submission for NIPS competition 2017 (2nd place). The main ideal of the defense is to utilize randomization (random resizing and random padding) to defend adversarial examples.[code][paper]
    • sample_defenses/Random_padding_IresV2_pytorch/ - Our pytorch implementation of random padding. Here we use inception_resnet_v2 instead of ensemble_adv_inception_resnet_v2. This may affect its performance.
    • sample_defenses/Random_padding_inceptionv4/ - My submission for CAAD 2018 defense.
    • sample_defenses/Random_padding_IresV2_pytorch/ - Our pytorch implementation of random padding. Here we use inception_resnet_v2 instead of ensemble_adv_inception_resnet_v2. This may affect its performance.
    • sample_defenses/Random_Guided_Denoise/ - Our implementaion of stacking randomization (random resizing and random padding) and Denoise. Iteration = 5 (10 seconds processing 16 pictures)
    • sample_defenses/Diff_Random_Denoise_14/ - Our implementaion of difference filter of output labels of randomization (random resizing and random padding) and Denoise_14. Output label will be 0 if two labels don't match.
    • sample_defenses/Diff_Random_Denoise_14_pytorch/ - Our pure pytorch implementaion of difference filter of output labels of randomization (random resizing and random padding) and Denoise_14. Output label will be 0 if two labels don't match. Here is ramdon padding is on a inception_resnet_v2 instead of ensemble_adv_inception_resnet_v2
    • sample_defenses/skimage_ens_adv_iresv2/ - Image processing with functions provided by skimage.restore.
    • sample_defenses/Diff_cv2_Random_Denoise_14_pytorch/ - Add cv2 filter before random padding on top of 'sample_defenses/Diff_Random_Denoise_14_pytorch/'
    • sample_defenses/Diff_cv2_Random_Denoise_14_pytorch_kmean/ - Add kmean filter to the end. This is our final submission for CAAD CTF 2018.

Structure of attacks and defenses

Each attack and defense should be stored in a separate subdirectory, should be self-contained and intended to be run inside Docker container.

Directory with each attack or defense should contain file metadata.json in JSON format with following fields:

  • type could be one of "attack", "defense" or "targeted_attack".
  • container is a URL of Docker container inside which attack or defense should be run.
  • container_gpu is an optional field, URL of Docker container with GPU support.
  • entry_point is a script which launches attack or defense.

Example of metadata.json:

  "type": "attack",
  "container": "",
  "container_gpu": "",
  "entry_point": ""

Non-targeted attack

Entry point script for a non-targeted attack should accept three arguments: input directory, output directory and maximum size of adversarial perturbation (in infinity norm). It will be invoked in the following way: INPUT_DIR OUTPUT_DIR MAX_SIZE_OF_PERTURBAION

Input directory will contain source images from dataset in PNG format and attack has to write adversarial images into output directory. Input images are 299x299 pixels RGB images, output images should have the same size and also written in PNG format. Filenames of adversarial images should be the same as filenames of corresponding source images from the dataset.

Non-targeted attack is expected to produce adversarial images which are likely will be misclassified by image classifier (assuming that it can classify source images well).

Difference between each generated adversarial images and corresponding source image has to be within specified maximum size of adversarial perturbation. If it's not the case then competition runtime will automatically clip adversarial image to be within the limits.

Targeted attack

Entry point script for a targeted attack accepts the same set of arguments as for non-targeted attack: input directory, output directory, maximum size of perturbation.

The only difference is that input directory will contain target_class.csv file addition to images. Each line of target_class.csv will contain comma-separated pairs of image filename and target class.

Targeted attack is expected to produce adversarial image which will be likely classified as desired target class by image classifier.

Difference between source images and generated adversarial images should be within specified maximum size of perturbation, similarly to non-targeted attack.


Entry point script for a defense accepts two arguments: input directory and output file. It will be invoked in a following way: INPUT_DIR OUTPUT_FILE

Input directory will contain bunch of adversarial images in PNG format. Defense has to classify all these images and write its predictions into output file. Each line of the output file should contain comma separated image filename and predicted label.

How to run attacks against defenses

Script runs all attacks against all defenses in Docker and computes scores of each attack and each defense. You can run to run them locally.

Following shell will search the exsiting folder to find new attacks and defenses, then run all new models locally and calculate the final scores. The folder path has to be absolute path.

./ [/absolute/path/to/existing/folder]

You can also run it in a following way:

python \
  --attacks_dir="${DIRECTORY_WITH_ATTACKS}" \
  --targeted_attacks_dir="${DIRECTORY_WITH_TARGETED_ATTACKS}" \
  --defenses_dir="${DIRECTORY_WITH_DEFENSES}" \
  --dataset_dir="${DIRECTORY_WITH_DATASET_IMAGES}" \
  --intermediate_results_dir="${TEMP_DIRECTORY_FOR_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS}" \
  --dataset_metadata=dataset/dataset.csv \
  --output_dir="${OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}" \

If you have GPU card and nvidia-docker installed then you can additionally pass --gpu argument to so attacks and defenses will be able to take advantage of GPU to speedup computations.

Alternatively instead of running directly and providing all command line arguments you can use helper script to run all attacks and defenses from this toolkit against each other and save results to temporary directory.

NOTE: You should cleanup temporary directory created by after running it. will write following files into output directory:

  • accuracy_on_attacks.csv with matrix which will contain number of correctly classified images for each pair of non-targeted attack and defense. Columns of the matrix are defenses, rows of the matrix are non-targeted attacks.
  • accuracy_on_targeted_attacks.csv with matrix which will contain number of correctly classified images for each pair of targeted attack and defense. Columns of the matrix are defenses, rows of the matrix are targeted attacks.
  • hit_target_class.csv with matrix which will contain number of times images were classified as target class by defense for each given targeted attack. Columns of the matrix are defenses, rows of the matrix are targeted attacks.
  • defense_ranking.csv with ranking of all defenses (best - first, worst - last, ties in arbitrary order), along with the score of each defense. Score for each defense is computed as total number of correctly classified adversarial images by defense classifier.
  • attack_ranking.csv with ranking of all non-targeted (best - first, worst - last, ties in arbitrary order), along with the score of each attack. Score for each attack is computed as total number of time attack was able to cause incorrect classification
  • targeted_attack_ranking.csv with ranking of all targeted attacks (best - first, worst - last, ties in arbitrary order), along with the score of each targeted attack. Score is computed as number of times the attack was able to force defense classifier to recognize adversarial image as specified target class.

Additionally, if flag --save_all_classification is provided then will save file all_classification.csv which contains classification predictions (along with true classes and target classes) for each adversarial image generated by each attack and classified by each defense. This might be useful for debugging.


Stub version of dev_toolkit for CAAD2018






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