This is the code for the paper Task-Driven Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems via Conformal Prediction.
Please follow the instructions to setup the environment to run the repo.
- Create a new environment with the following commands
conda create -n taskuq python=3.9 numpy=1.23 pip
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda install -c conda-forge cupy cudatoolkit=11.8 cudnn cutensor nccl
conda install -c anaconda h5py=3.6.0
- From the project root directory, install the requirements with the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the fastMRI knee and brain datasets from here
- Set the directory of the multicoil fastMRI knee and brain datasets to where they are stored on your device
- Change to set the paths to the dataset and your prefered logging folder
- Change the configurations for training in the config files located in train/configs/. The current values are set to the ones used in the paper.
- All models used can be found in the models folder
- The training scripts can be found in the train folder
- The evaluation scripts can be found in the evals folder
- The conformal prediction scripts can be found in the conformal folder
- The underworkings of the conformal methods can be found in
First, set the directory to the train folder
cd train
To train a model, modify the configuration file in train/configs/ and run the following commands for the model you want to train.
# Training a SIMCLR model
# Training a classifier model (note, specify a pretrained SIMCLR model if desired in the config file)
# Training a CNF model
python --model_type MulticoilCNF
# Training an E2E Model
All models will be saved in the logging folder specified in
To get the evaluation metrics like PSNR, SSIM, and FID for reconstruction mdoels, run the following commands
# Navigate to the evals folder
cd evals
# Run the evaluation
python --load_ckpt_dir <path to the model checkpoint>
python --load_ckpt_dir /home/user/mri_cnf/MulticoilCNF/version_0/
To perform the Monte Carlo evaluation, run the following commands
# Navigate to the conformal folder
cd conformal
# Run the evaluation
python --load_ckpt_dir <path to the classifier checkpoint> --load_recon_dir <path to the reconstructor checkpoint>
You can change the number of samples used, error rate, and other parameters in
Finally, to run the multi-round sampling procedure, run the following commands
python --load_ckpt_dir <path to the classifier checkpoint> --load_recon_dir <path to the reconstructor checkpoint>
- The first time using a dataset will invoke the preprocessing step required for compressing the coils. Subsequent runs will be much faster since this step can be skipped.