Get pgBadger from: Github Repo
pgBadger is cloned and
binary is dropped into/usr/local/bin
and in the path -
Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance is being used and just using the default user. No need for SSH, just attach the SSM policy so you can use Connection Manager to connect in.
The -j option needs to match CPU count. This is 8, you can do 2 as long as a
is used -
is your AWS RDS Instance name like my-database -
File structure needed, you will need to have these directories created:
mkdir ~/rds_logs/$DB_INSTANCE
mkdir ~/pgbadger_reports
mkdir ~/pgbadger_reports/$DB_INSTANCE
mkdir ~/pgbadger_reports/$DB_INSTANCE/binary
mkdir ~/pgbadger_reports/$DB_INSTANCE/html
You will have a S3 bucket created with Web Hosting enabled but IP restricted, URL will need to match bucketname.
You will have an EC2 AWS Role attached with policies to allow reading logs from RDS and Writing to your new S3 bucket
The scripts:
was provided as an example from AWS and was slighlty modified. Most important is no need for access keys if you use a policy on the
Is the file to go grab the logs and run pgBadger on it. You can cron it daily. You will need to pay attention since pgBadger creates a lock file in/tmp
while running only once instance of it can run at a time. You will need to stagger your jobs, the sweet spot seems to me a M5 instance with 8 CPUs, but a t3.medium will work fine, just make sure-j 2
is passed!