This currently requires the
branch of bothReactive
The Interact
brings interactive widgets to IJulia
notebooks. In particular, the
macro makes it trivial to define simple interactive
graphics. Interact
can animate graphics using Gadfly
, PyPlot
or Winston
. For more fluid graphical animations, the
package can be
used to efficiently manipulate SVG graphics, including those created
through Gadfly
The GtkInteract
package modifies Interact
's @manipulate
macro to
allow interactive widgets from the command-line REPL using the Gtk
package for the widget toolkit. This package then allows for similarly
easy interactive graphics from the command line. It is limited to
those packages that can write to a cairo backend. These include Immerse
means Gadfly
graphics can be used) and Winston
. (The Plots
package may not work, as the immerse
backend is deprecated.)
Plotting packages could also write output to graphic files which can be shown.
The basic syntax is the same as for Interact
. For example,
using GtkInteract, Immerse
@manipulate for ϕ = 0:π/16:4π, f = Dict(:sin=>sin, :cos=>cos)
plot(θ -> f(θ + ϕ), 0, 25)
This produces a layout along the lines of:
[But wait! This example doesn't currently work under v0.5 of Julia
as the function values in the toggle buttons cause issues. This should be fixed soon. But until then you can work around this if you want by using a new type, for example
type MyType f end
(f::MyType)(args...;kwargs...) = f.f(args...; kwargs...)
and then in the above use
f = Dict(:sin=>MyType(sin), :cos=>MyType(cos))
Using Immerse
directly is also possible:
using GtkInteract, Immerse
@manipulate for ϕ = 0:π/16:4π, f = Dict(:sin=>sin, :cos=>cos)
xs = linspace(0, 25)
ys = map(θ -> f(θ + ϕ), xs)
Immerse.plot(x=xs, y=ys)
When used directly, the figure includes the toolbar features provided by Immerse
Text output can also be displayed (though not as nicely as in IJulia
due to a lack of HTML support):
using GtkInteract, SymPy
x = symbols("x")
@manipulate for n=1:5
a = diff(sin(x^2), x, n)
The basic idea is that an output widget is chosen based on the return
value of the evaluation of the block within the @manipulate
macro. Returning a value of nothing
will suppress any output widget
being chosen. In this case, the body should have side effects, such as
explicitly creating a graph. Some of the provided examples
illustrate why this might be of interest.
The basic widgets can also be used by hand to create simple GUIs:
using GtkInteract
w = mainwindow(title="Simple test")
n = slider(1:10, label="n")
m = slider(11:20, label="m")
cg = cairographic()
append!(w, [n, m, cg]) # layout widgets
More complicated layouts are possible using a few layouts similar to those in the Escher
window(vbox(hbox(n, m),
title="Some title")
We can use
to propagate changes in the controls to update the graphic window:
map(n,m) do n,m
push!(cg, plot(sin, n*pi, m*pi))
This basic usage follows this pattern: we map over the input widgets
and within the function passed to map (through the do
above), we push!
some combination of the values onto one or more
output widgets, such as cg
above. The @manipulate
macro basically
figures out an output widget from the last value found in the code
block and pushes that value onto the output widget.
Until this package lands in Julia
's METADATA it should be installed via "cloning":
This package requires Gtk (for GTK+ 3, not GTK+ 2). See that page for installation notes.
[This is currently broken on a mac, segfaulting with the interactivity!]
There is experimental support for plotting with PyPlot. Using PyPlot
requires an extra wrapper function, called GtkInteract.withfig
. (The withfig
function is defined in PyPlot
and modified here, hence the module qualification.)
using GtkInteract, PyPlot
f = figure()
@manipulate for n in 1:10, m in 1:10
GtkInteract.withfig(f) do
ts = linspace(0, 2*n*m*pi, 2500)
xs = [sin(m*t) for t in ts]
ys = [cos(n*t) for t in ts]
PyPlot.plot(xs, ys)
It can be a bit slower, as this does not draw onto a canvas, but
rather creates an image file and displays that on each update. In the
background pygui(false)
is called. Not doing so leads to a crash on
some machines.
(To copy-and-paste code that works with Interact
simply requires some local definition such as withfig=GtkInteract.withfig
A MainWindow
has a field, refs
, to which you can push!
Reactive signals that you want to preserve for the lifetime of the
window. Upon destroying the window, these signals are close
Timers like fps
are particularly important to "register" with
: otherwise, you may keep using CPU resources even after you
close the window, until the next garbage-collection event.
using GtkInteract, Reactive
frametimer = fps(10)
w = mainwindow()
push!(w.refs, frametimer)
Now if you display
, and then close the window, frametimer
no longer be active.
In addition to the widgets in Interact
, the following new widgets are provided:
(just a