A neural network designed to segmentate 3 different classes, by default it was thought to segmentate germinated seeds, no germinated seeds and the background
The principal scripts are:
- augmentation.py
- train.py
- make_TFrecords.py
- predict.py
pip install requirements.txt
Run the following command in order to create two directories, one for the tfrecords and other for the weights, which will be used later:
mkdir weights tfrecords
You might as well use different names or paths for this directories as long as you specify them correctly in the following commands.
It is possible to perform data augmentation before training. It applies some random transformations to the input images such as rotations, crops and shiftings.
python3 augmentation.py --img_path=INPUT IMAGES DIRECTORY --masks_path=MASKS PATH --augmented_path=PATH TO SAVE THE NEW DATASET --labels=LABELS DIRECTORY --n_images=NUMBER OF IMAGES TO GENERATE
By default img_path
is set to ./DatasetE2/JPEGImages
, masks_path
, labels
to ./DatasetE2/labelmap.txt
to 192
The script generates a number of images multiple of 32 as closest as possible to
The default for augmented_path
is None
, the script automatically creates a
new directory in the working directory with the results named AugmentedDataset
if left unspecified.
Before training, you must first create two tfrecords files using the script make_TFrecords.py:
python3 make_TFrecords.py --img_path=INPUT IMAGES DIRECTORY --mask_path=LABEL IMAGES DIRECTORY --labels=LABELS DIRECTORY --tfrecord_path=PATH OF TFRECORDS --val_size= VALIDATION PARTITION
Make sure to replace with your corresponding paths and values. The defaults are:
, tfrecord_path=./tfrecords/
For example:
python3 make_TFrecords.py --img_path=../input/tomatoseedsdatasetjm/JPEGImages/ --mask_path=../input/tomatoseedsdatasetjm/SegmentationClass/ --labels=../input/tomatoseedsdatasetjm/labelmap.txt
Use the following command in order to train the model:
python3 train.py --train_Dataset=PATH TO THE TFRECORDS OF TRAINING DATA --val_Dataset=PATH TO TFRECORDS --weights=PATH TO WEIGHTS --buffer_size=BUFFER SIZE --batch_size=BATCH SIZE --epochs=EPOCHS --save_freq=SAVE FREQUENCY OF EPOCHS
The defaults for train_Dataset, val_Dataset and weights are the same as stated
before. The defaults the other FLAGS are: buffer_size=100
, batch_size=5
, save_freq=5
In order to do the prediction of an image run the following command:
python3 predict.py --image_path=IMAGE PATH --mask_path=MASK PATH --labels=LABELS PATH --show_results=True --weights=WEIGHTS PATH
In this case, weights is not the directory, but the specific file from the weights we want to use to make the prediciton. mask_path is the path were the predicted mask should be saved (None by default) (Recommended file extension: png).
It is also possible to count the amount of germinated and no germinated seeds in a true or predicted mask. To do this, simply run:
python3 count.py [MASK] [LABELS]
This will print the amount of germinated and no germinated seeds
To see how good the prediction was use measure.py, it will print the dice and jaccard indexes of the prediction respect to the mask.
python3 measure.py [TRUEMASK] [PREDMASK] [LABELS]