C# livecoding.tv XMPP chat connection
LiveCodingChat is a small library to login to https://www.livecoding.tv/ and connect to the channel chats. Working login methods are:
- Direct livecoding login
- Twitch login
- github login Still missing:
- WinLive
NeinTom is a small chat program using the LiveCodingChat library to connect to the livecoding chats. Implementing a little GUI in Windows-Forms(due to Mono compatibilty). Custom ChatLog-Control to render chat messages using GDI(TextRenderer.DrawString). Features:
- Animated smilies(editable)
- Links
- Scrolling
- Formatted Text
It has still some rendering issues due to differences from Linux to Windows. ###TODO:
- render text on baseline
- word wrap problems
- fix other rendering problems
- others
Feel free to contribute in any way.