date: August 14, 2018
auth: Jayson Vavrek, Zach Hartwig
mail: jvavrek at mit dot edu, hartwig at psfc dot mit dot edu
copr: This version (C) 2018 Jayson Vavrek under the MIT License.
The purpose of ZKExp is to provide the Geant4 simulation infrastructure for the MIT LNSP Physical Cryptography (formerly "Zero Knowledge") project:
Moreover, this release uses ZKExp as a publicly-available demonstration of the updated G4NRF code base, which simulates nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) in Geant4. See also for further detail.
ZKExp is based on a slick Geant4 user application template provide by Zach Hartwig. In addition to typical Geant4 geometry, physics (including G4NRF), particle source, and user action classes, ZKExp includes a particularly key feature: the ability to incorporate ROOT classes seamlessly (including automatic ROOT dictionary generation) into the user's Geant4 code. This provides, for example, the ability to readout data into TTrees, save all data persistently for later analysis in TFiles, create histograms on the fly, and so on.
- : standard G4 top-level file containing mandatory C++ main() function.
makefile : GNU makefile for building ZKExp
- : this file
- : documentation for the G4NRF package in particular
include/ : standard class header files (*.hh) including G4NRF headers
src/ : standard class source files (*.cc) including G4NRF classes
lib/ : contains the ROOT library and dictionary files
runtime/ : contains run and visualization macros
NRF_Database.tar.gz : gzip-ed tarball of NRF level and gamma data (from ENSDF)
brems_distributions.root : ROOT input file for the bremsstrahlung and sampling spectra for the PGA
- : setup script for environmental variables
createSampling.C : root script that creates brem_normalized.root and an importance-sampled distribution in hSample.root; requires converter_2p7MeV_50M_bremTotal_option4.root in order to be re-run, but this file is too large to include in the GitHub repository.
The user should first configure their environment and compile ZKExp to ensure everything is working correctly. To do so:
Ensure your system contains an up-to-date, complete installation of Geant4 ( with the extended libraries. It is optional to build the Qt libraries and include them when building the Geant4 libraries. Ensure that your environment and G4 working directory paths are correctly configured.
Ensure your system contains an up-to-date, complete installation of the ROOT data analysis toolkit ( and that your environment has been correctly configured. NOTE: ZKExp has only been minimally tested with ROOT 6!
Clone or download ZKExp from its github repository
Unpack the NRF_Database tarball to a suitable location
Add the following lines to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:
export ZKEXP_TOPDIR=/absolute/path/to/ZKExp source $ZKEXP_TOPDIR/ export G4NRFGAMMADATA=/absolute/path/to/NRF_Database
Restart the terminal or re-source .bashrc / .bash_profile
Building the ZKExp simulation is presently handled by a GNU makefile located in the top-level directory.
To build ZKExp simply type:
$ make -jX
where 'X' is number of cores to use in the compilation process.
Typing 'make clean' will clean up all the transient build files while 'make libclean' will clean up the ROOT library and dictionary build files contained in the lib/ directory. Typing 'make debug' will build the executable with several debug flags allowing the user to use a debugger such as GDB or a profiler such as Mac Instruments.
To run the ZKExp executable, type:
$ ZKExp <vis> <macro> <seed> <geom> <beam> <xsec_tables> <xsec_integration> <force_iso>
- vis = {visOn, visQt, visOff} to select visualization option
- macro = path to runtime macro to run immediately
- seed = integer: random seed AND unique ROOT output file identifier
- geom = integer: {0: U-238 obj and foil, 1: same but Al-27, 2: Black Sea obj and composite foil, 3: same but slab geom}
- beam = integer: {0: U-238 resonance sampling, 1: Al-27 resonance sampling, 2: input histo res. samp.}
- xsec_tables = {0, 1}: true/false whether to use NRF cross section tables instead of on-the-fly evaluation
- xsec_integration = {0, 1}: true/false whether to use numerically-integrated NRF cross section (else Gaus approx)
- force_iso = {0, 1}: true/false whether to force isotropic angular correlation for NRF emission
Some example ZKExp configurations, including those used in Paper #3 above:
$ ZKExp visOn
starts the Geant4 UI with OpenGL visualization and no run macro.
$ ZKExp visOff runtime/ZK.mac 31415 0 0 1 1 0
runs the U-238 geometry with appropriate beam using tabulated numerically-integrated NRF cross sections with isotropic emission.
$ ZKExp visOff runtime/ZK.mac 31415 1 1 1 1 0
will run the analogous Al-27 simulation.
$ ZKExp visOff runtime/ZK.mac 31415 3 2 1 1 1
will run the 'Black Sea hoax' simulation with a simulated bremsstrahlung beam and angular correlations activated.
NOTE: there are no flags at this time to change target thicknesses. The user will need to edit the source code (src/ directly.
ZKExp uses the ROOT TTree class to record information about photons stepping out of the G4LogicalVolume 'theFoil_L', which is the reference/encryption foil in a transmission NRF experiment. Cuts of theta > 3pi/4 and E > 1.7 MeV are enforced (but can be changed in src/ Information about surviving photons is written to the TFile ZKExp_outfile_<seed>.root, or to ZK_<timestamp>.root if no seed is specified. The user can write energy information from ROOTTreeFoil to a TH1D energy spectrum via, e.g.,
$ root ZKExp_outfile_31415.root
root> TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "h", 1000, 1.7, 2.7);
root> h->Sumw2();
root> ROOTTreeFoil->Draw("energy>>h","weightF","e")
The 'weightF' variable is used to keep track of statistical weights arising from importance sampling (only with beam = 2). In this case, it is important for the user to explicity create a TH1D histogram instead of letting TTree::Draw() automatically create a TH1F, since double precision will prevent roundoff error that can easily be introduced by floating point arithmetic when the weights span several orders of magnitude.
In order to use ZKExp as a starting point for a user's simulation, he/she will need to take a few minor steps. Let's assume the user wants to develop a simulation named "ZKPrototype". He/she should take the following steps:
Copy ZKExp directory to a directory named "ZKPrototype" and cd into the newly named directory.
Change "" to ""
Replace all occurrences of "ZKExp" with "ZKPrototype" in the following files:
- makefile
Replace all occurrences of "ZKEXP" with "ZKPROTOTYPE" in "" file
Update the .bashrc file with the environmental variables
Restart terminal / resource .bashrc for changes to take effect