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Add basic automation for injection theorems
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jvanbruegge committed Nov 27, 2024
1 parent 8da6bd7 commit d9f512a
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Showing 14 changed files with 324 additions and 168 deletions.
73 changes: 70 additions & 3 deletions Tools/mrbnf_sugar.ML
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type binder_sugar = {
mrbnf: MRBNF_Def.mrbnf,
strong_induct: thm option,
distinct: thm list,
inject: thm list,
ctors: (term * thm) list

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,11 +64,12 @@ type binder_sugar = {
mrbnf: MRBNF_Def.mrbnf,
strong_induct: thm option,
distinct: thm list,
inject: thm list,
ctors: (term * thm) list

fun morph_binder_sugar phi { map_simps, permute_simps, set_simpss, subst_simps, mrbnf,
strong_induct, distinct, ctors, bsetss, bset_bounds } = {
strong_induct, distinct, inject, ctors, bsetss, bset_bounds } = {
map_simps = map (Morphism.thm phi) map_simps,
permute_simps = map (Morphism.thm phi) permute_simps,
set_simpss = map (map (Morphism.thm phi)) set_simpss,
Expand All @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ fun morph_binder_sugar phi { map_simps, permute_simps, set_simpss, subst_simps,
mrbnf = MRBNF_Def.morph_mrbnf phi mrbnf,
strong_induct = (Morphism.thm phi) strong_induct,
distinct = map (Morphism.thm phi) distinct,
inject = map (Morphism.thm phi) inject,
ctors = map (map_prod (Morphism.term phi) (Morphism.thm phi)) ctors
} : binder_sugar;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,7 +454,69 @@ fun create_binder_datatype (spec : spec) lthy =
])] end
) ctors_tys) ctors_tys));

(* TODO: map_bij (rename simps); injection *)
val inject = map_filter (fn ((ctor, ctor_def), tys) => if null tys then NONE else try (fn () =>
val tys' = map (Term.typ_subst_atomic replace) tys;
val ((xs, ys), _) = names_lthy
|> mk_Frees "x" tys'
||>> mk_Frees "y" tys';
val ys' = @{map 3} (fn ty => fn x => fn y =>
if exists (member (op=) bounds o TFree) (Term.add_tfreesT ty []) then
(if member (op=) bounds ty then x else raise TYPE ("typ contains binder", [ty], [])) else y
) tys xs ys;
val xs_ys' = @{map_filter 2} (fn x => fn y' => if x = y' then NONE else SOME (x, y')) xs ys';

val goal = mk_Trueprop_eq (
HOLogic.mk_eq (Term.list_comb (ctor, xs), Term.list_comb (ctor, ys')),
foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj (map HOLogic.mk_eq xs_ys')
in Goal.prove_sorry lthy (names (xs @ map snd xs_ys')) [] goal (fn {context=ctxt, ...} => EVERY1 [
K (Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt [ctor_def, #inject quotient]),
K (Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt (
@{thms map_sum.simps map_prod_simp comp_def sum_set_simps cSup_singleton Union_empty
Un_empty_left Un_empty_right Diff_empty UN_empty id_apply sum.inject prod.inject
prod_set_simps UN_single id_def[symmetric] UN_single UN_singleton
@ maps MRBNF_Def.set_map_of_mrbnf fp_nesting_mrbnfs
@ map MRBNF_Def.map_id_of_mrbnf fp_nesting_mrbnfs
@ MRBNF_Def.set_defs_of_mrbnf pre_mrbnf
@ [#Abs_inverse (snd info) OF @{thms UNIV_I}, #Abs_inject (snd info) OF @{thms UNIV_I UNIV_I},
MRBNF_Def.map_def_of_mrbnf pre_mrbnf
rtac ctxt iffI,
REPEAT_DETERM o eresolve_tac ctxt [exE, conjE],
REPEAT_DETERM o (TRY o rtac ctxt conjI THEN' assume_tac ctxt),
rotate_tac ~1,
dtac ctxt @{thm trans[rotated]},
rtac ctxt sym,
resolve_tac ctxt (#permute_cong_id (#inner quotient) :: map (fn mrbnf =>
trans OF [MRBNF_Def.map_cong_of_mrbnf mrbnf, MRBNF_Def.map_id_of_mrbnf mrbnf]
) fp_nesting_mrbnfs),
REPEAT_DETERM o (assume_tac ctxt ORELSE' resolve_tac ctxt @{thms supp_id_bound bij_id}),
TRY o rtac ctxt refl,
K (Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt @{thms id_apply}),
dtac ctxt @{thm id_on_Diff},
rtac ctxt @{thm id_onI},
dtac ctxt @{thm singletonD},
hyp_subst_tac ctxt,
assume_tac ctxt,
etac ctxt @{thm id_onD},
REPEAT_DETERM o assume_tac ctxt
REPEAT_DETERM o rtac ctxt @{thm exI[of _ id]},
REPEAT_DETERM o etac ctxt conjE,
REPEAT_DETERM o (resolve_tac ctxt (
(trans OF [#permute_id quotient]) :: @{thms id_apply conjI supp_id_bound bij_id id_on_id}
@ map (fn mrbnf => trans OF [MRBNF_Def.map_id_of_mrbnf mrbnf]) fp_nesting_mrbnfs
) ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt)
]) end) ()
) ctors_tys;

(* Term for variable substitution *)
val x = length replace - #rec_vars spec;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -778,6 +843,7 @@ fun create_binder_datatype (spec : spec) lthy =
bset_bounds = [],
mrbnf = mrbnf,
distinct = distinct,
inject = inject,
ctors = ctors
} : binder_sugar;

Expand All @@ -793,7 +859,8 @@ fun create_binder_datatype (spec : spec) lthy =
@ [("set", flat set_simpss, simp),
("map", map_simps, simp),
("permute", permute_simps, simp),
("distinct", distinct, simp)
("distinct", distinct, simp),
("inject", inject, simp)
] @ the_default [] ( (fn (_, tvsubst_simps) => [("subst", tvsubst_simps, simp)]) tvsubst_opt)
) |> (map (fn (thmN, thms, attrs) =>
((Binding.qualify true (Binding.name_of (#fp_b spec)) ( thmN), attrs), [(thms, [])])
Expand Down
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions operations/BMV_Monad.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
theory BMV_Monad
imports "Binders.MRBNF_Recursor"

declare [[mrbnf_internals]]
binder_datatype 'a FType
= TyVar 'a
| TyApp "'a FType" "'a FType"
| TyAll a::'a t::"'a FType" binds a in t

SOps = { 'a FType }
L = 'a FType
m = 1
abbreviation Inj_FType_1 :: "'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType" where "Inj_FType_1 \<equiv> TyVar"
abbreviation Sb_FType :: "('tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType) \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType" where "Sb_FType \<equiv> tvsubst_FType"
abbreviation Vrs_FType_1 :: "'tyvar::var FType \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar set" where "Vrs_FType_1 \<equiv> FVars_FType"

lemma SSupp_Inj_FType[simp]: "SSupp_FType Inj_FType_1 = {}" unfolding SSupp_FType_def tvVVr_tvsubst_FType_def TyVar_def tv\<eta>_FType_tvsubst_FType_def by simp
lemma IImsupp_Inj_FType[simp]: "IImsupp_FType Inj_FType_1 = {}" unfolding IImsupp_FType_def by simp
lemma SSupp_IImsupp_bound[simp]:
fixes \<rho>::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "|IImsupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
unfolding IImsupp_FType_def using assms by (auto simp: FType.Un_bound FType.UN_bound FType.set_bd_UNIV)

lemma SSupp_comp_subset:
fixes \<rho> \<rho>'::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "SSupp_FType (tvsubst_FType \<rho> \<circ> \<rho>') \<subseteq> SSupp_FType \<rho> \<union> SSupp_FType \<rho>'"
unfolding SSupp_FType_def tvVVr_tvsubst_FType_def tv\<eta>_FType_tvsubst_FType_def comp_def
apply (unfold TyVar_def[symmetric])
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (unfold mem_Collect_eq)
apply simp
using assms(1) by force
lemma SSupp_comp_bound[simp]:
fixes \<rho> \<rho>'::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|" "|SSupp_FType \<rho>'| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "|SSupp_FType (tvsubst_FType \<rho> \<circ> \<rho>')| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
using assms SSupp_comp_subset by (metis card_of_subset_bound var_class.Un_bound)

lemma Sb_Inj_FType: "Sb_FType Inj_FType_1 = id"
apply (rule ext)
subgoal for x
apply (induction x)
by auto
lemma Sb_comp_Inj_FType:
fixes \<rho>::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "Sb_FType \<rho> \<circ> Inj_FType_1 = \<rho>"
using assms by auto

lemma Sb_comp_FType:
fixes \<rho> \<rho>'::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|" "|SSupp_FType \<rho>'| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "Sb_FType \<rho> \<circ> Sb_FType \<rho>' = Sb_FType (Sb_FType \<rho> \<circ> \<rho>')"
apply (rule ext)
apply (rule trans[OF comp_apply])
subgoal for x
apply (binder_induction x avoiding: "IImsupp_FType \<rho>" "IImsupp_FType \<rho>'" "IImsupp_FType (Sb_FType \<rho> \<circ> \<rho>')" rule: FType.strong_induct)
using assms by (auto simp: IImsupp_FType_def FType.Un_bound FType.UN_bound FType.set_bd_UNIV)

lemma Vrs_Inj_FType: "Vrs_FType_1 (Inj_FType_1 a) = {a}"
by simp

lemma Vrs_Sb_FType:
fixes \<rho>::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
shows "Vrs_FType_1 (Sb_FType \<rho> x) = (\<Union>a\<in>Vrs_FType_1 x. Vrs_FType_1 (\<rho> a))"
proof (binder_induction x avoiding: "IImsupp_FType \<rho>" rule: FType.strong_induct)
case (TyAll x1 x2)
then show ?case using assms by (auto intro!: FType.IImsupp_Diff[symmetric])
qed (auto simp: assms)

lemma Sb_cong_FType:
fixes \<rho> \<rho>'::"'tyvar::var \<Rightarrow> 'tyvar FType"
assumes "|SSupp_FType \<rho>| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|" "|SSupp_FType \<rho>'| <o |UNIV::'tyvar set|"
and "\<And>a. a \<in> Vrs_FType_1 t \<Longrightarrow> \<rho> a = \<rho>' a"
shows "Sb_FType \<rho> t = Sb_FType \<rho>' t"
using assms(3) proof (binder_induction t avoiding: "IImsupp_FType \<rho>" "IImsupp_FType \<rho>'" rule: FType.strong_induct)
case (TyAll x1 x2)
then show ?case using assms apply auto
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) CollectI IImsupp_FType_def SSupp_FType_def Un_iff)
qed (auto simp: assms(1-2))

(* *)

type_synonym ('var, 'tyvar, 'bvar, 'btyvar, 'rec, 'brec) FTerm_pre' = "('var + 'rec * 'rec + 'btyvar * 'brec) + ('bvar * 'tyvar FType * 'brec + 'rec * 'tyvar FType)"

136 changes: 134 additions & 2 deletions operations/Sugar.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -521,6 +521,140 @@ lemma T2_distinct[simp]:
apply (rule notI, (erule exE conjE sum.distinct[THEN notE])+)+

lemmas map_id0_nesting = list.map_id0 prod.map_id0
lemmas set_map_nesting = list.set_map prod.set_map

lemma T1_inject[simp]:
"(Var_T1 x = Var_T1 y) = (x = y)"
"(TyVar_T1 x2 = TyVar_T1 y2) = (x2 = y2)"
"(App_T1 x3 x4 = App_T1 y3 y4) = (x3 = y3 \<and> x4 = y4)"
"(BFree_T1 x xs = BFree_T1 x ys) = (xs = ys)"
"(Lam_T1 x x3 = Lam_T1 x y3) = (x3 = y3)"
"(TyLam_T1 x2 x3 = TyLam_T1 x2 y3) = (x3 = y3)"
"(Ext_T1 x5 = Ext_T1 y5) = (x5 = y5)"
apply (unfold T1_ctors_defs TT_inject0s)
apply (unfold map_T1_pre_def comp_def map_sum.simps map_prod_simp Abs_T1_pre_inverse[OF UNIV_I]
set_simp_thms T1_pre_set_defs id_apply Abs_T1_pre_inject[OF UNIV_I UNIV_I] sum.inject prod.inject
apply (unfold id_def[symmetric])
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply ((rule conjI)?, assumption)+
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply ((rule conjI)?, assumption)+
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply ((rule conjI)?, assumption)+
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply hypsubst_thin
apply (rule sym)
apply ((rule trans[OF list.map_cong[OF refl] list.map_id] trans[OF prod.map_cong[OF refl] prod.map_id], rule trans[rotated, OF id_apply[symmetric]])+)?
apply (drule id_on_Diff)
apply (rule id_onI)
apply (drule singletonD)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
apply (erule id_onD)
apply (rule UN_I)
apply assumption+
apply (rule refl)
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (unfold list.map_id0 prod.map_id0)
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id trans[OF id_apply] refl | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply hypsubst_thin
apply (rule sym)
apply ((rule trans[OF list.map_cong[OF refl] list.map_id] trans[OF prod.map_cong[OF refl] prod.map_id], rule trans[rotated, OF id_apply[symmetric]])+)?
apply (rule permute_cong_ids)
apply assumption+
apply (drule id_on_Diff)
apply (rule id_onI)
apply (drule singletonD)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
apply (erule id_onD)
apply (rule UN_I)?
apply assumption+
(* repeated *)
apply (drule id_on_Diff)
apply (rule id_onI)
apply (drule singletonD)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
apply (erule id_onD)
apply (rule UN_I)?
apply assumption+
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (unfold list.map_id0 prod.map_id0 permute_id0s)?
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id trans[OF id_apply] refl | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply hypsubst_thin
apply (rule sym)
apply ((rule trans[OF list.map_cong[OF refl] list.map_id] trans[OF prod.map_cong[OF refl] prod.map_id], rule trans[rotated, OF id_apply[symmetric]])+)?
apply (rule permute_cong_ids)
apply assumption+
apply (drule id_on_Diff)
apply (rule id_onI)
apply (drule singletonD)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
apply (erule id_onD)
apply (rule UN_I)?
apply assumption+
(* repeated *)
apply (drule id_on_Diff)
apply (rule id_onI)
apply (drule singletonD)
apply hypsubst
apply assumption
apply (erule id_onD)
apply (rule UN_I)?
apply assumption+
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (unfold list.map_id0 prod.map_id0 permute_id0s)?
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id trans[OF id_apply] refl | assumption)+
(* repeated *)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply hypsubst_thin
apply (rule sym)
apply ((rule trans[OF list.map_cong[OF refl] list.map_id] trans[OF prod.map_cong[OF refl] prod.map_id], rule trans[rotated, OF id_apply[symmetric]])+)?
apply (rule permute_cong_ids, assumption+)?
apply (rule refl)?
apply (rule exI[of _ id])+
apply ((erule conjE)+)?
apply (unfold list.map_id0 prod.map_id0 permute_id0s)?
apply (rule conjI bij_id supp_id_bound id_on_id trans[OF id_apply] refl | assumption)+

abbreviation eta11 :: "'a \<Rightarrow> ('a::var, 'b::var, 'c::var, 'd, 'e::var, 'f::var, 'g::var, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k) T1_pre" where
"eta11 x \<equiv> Abs_T1_pre (Inl (Inl (Inl x)))"
abbreviation eta12 :: "'b \<Rightarrow> ('a::var, 'b::var, 'c::var, 'd, 'e::var, 'f::var, 'g::var, 'h, 'i, 'j, 'k) T1_pre" where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,8 +798,6 @@ print_theorems

lemmas prod_sum_simps = prod.set_map sum.set_map prod_set_simps sum_set_simps UN_empty UN_empty2
Un_empty_left Un_empty_right UN_singleton comp_def map_sum.simps map_prod_simp UN_single
lemmas map_id0_nesting = list.map_id0 prod.map_id0
lemmas set_map_nesting = list.set_map prod.set_map

lemma map_simps[simp]:
fixes f1::"'a::var \<Rightarrow> 'a" and f2::"'b::var \<Rightarrow> 'b" and f3::"'c::var \<Rightarrow> 'c" and f4::"'d \<Rightarrow> 'e"
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions thys/Infinitary_FOL/InfFOL.thy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,10 +339,6 @@ binder_inductive deduct
unfolding induct_rulify_fallback split_beta
apply (elim disj_forward exE)
apply (auto simp: ifol'.permute_comp in_k_equiv in_k_equiv' isPerm_def ifol'.permute_id supp_inv_bound)
apply (rule exI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule refl)
apply (rule allI impI)+
apply (unfold set\<^sub>k.map_comp)
apply (subst ifol'.permute_comp0)
apply (assumption | rule bij_imp_bij_inv supp_inv_bound)+
Expand Down

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