- 🤔 I'm Juan pablo, I'm a software developer student with knowledge in NodeJS, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java,TypeScript, React , Feel free to reach out!
- 🎓 Right now, I am improving my soft skills.
I really enjoy investing my time in technology projects, watch how all the pieces work together, it makes me feel thrilled, programming is that I use for communicate with those pieces
- MERN - CalendarApp
- Presupuesto React - TS
- GifsApp React
- To Do React - TS
- Cotizador Prestamos React
- Cotizador Seguros
- Consultar Clima
- JournalApp
- PixabayApi Searcher
- Administador de gastos
- Simulador de Email
- Emulador de Tweets
- Carrito de compras
- Administrador de citas
- Clima Api
- Recetas Api
- Buscador de imagenes
- Consultar Criptomonedas Api
- Filtrar Resultados
- Nucleus Wallet
- HeadPhonesPage
- Ecommerce Store
- RealState
- Airbnb
- Podcast
- Architecture store
- DeliveryApp
- Coffeshop