This is a small project in which one can create Kripke-Structures and check them with LTL formulas.
The current release can be viewed at
The UI is just enough to get the job done, since the focus lies on the model checking, which is in a separate crate in the lib
The LTL Syntax consists of Until U
, Next X
, Release R
, Weak Until W
, Future F
, Generally G
, And &
, Or |
, Not !
, True 1
, False 0
, parenthesis and atomic propositions, which begin with a lower-case letter.
Kripke structure states can be created with a click, connected with a drag (only visible after mouse released), deleted with del
and made a starting state with a double click.
When a state is selected (blue), its atomic propositions can be set via the text field, separated by ,