The purpose of this bot is to provide an all-encompasing administrative bot for discord servers to reduce bot clutter.
Current version 3.4.0
Current beta 4.0
For the stable repo go to: GitHub
Join the official Discord!
Justin Yates & Azrael
Copyright (C) <2021>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
- kick/ban commands
- audit logs
- purge/nuke
- channel creation and deletion w/ log
- mute capabilities w/log
- warn capabilities w/log
- give roles
- remove roles
- invite link for bot
- invite link for your server
- !developers (info on devs)
- !donate :)
- quick announcements
- meme functionality
- giveaways
- create role function
- delete role function
- bot updater (notifies channel log when bot will be down as well as new versions and features.) (suspended until further notice)
- welcome card
- music functionality also checkout the stand alone music bot (
- support ticket (few bugs found will be fixed in v4)
- dice rolls
- upvote / downvote reactions to specific messages
- steam market pricing and listings on popular steam games (csgo, rust, dota 2, and tf2)
- Allow for changing of prefix
- Allow for custom log channel
- Leveling (user levels)/ member rank
- Economy/Coins
- Server stats
- Youtube/twitch notifications
- Blacklist words
- Self contained configuration
- Block links(with role specific capabilities)
- Message delete/change log
- Role specific functionality
- Custom welcome channel with embed welcome card
- Advanced suggestions with approval
- Captcha verification
- Reaction roles
- Youtube/Twitch notifications (P)
- Customizable announcments (P)
- Customizable welcome image and message (P)
- Reaction Roles
- Twitter notifications (P)
- Gamble feature with currency
- Birthday announcments
- Lyrics for music
- Slash commands with enable/disable feature
- Levels overhaul (Custom xp rate, custom level up message, auto-role on certain level, set level up announcment channel, rank card, no-xp roles and channels, etc.) (P-ish)
- Disabling unwanted commands afer setup
- Application command with configurable applications (Will work like tickets) (P)
- Embed (similar to announcments but with custamization)
- Logs Customization
- music bot loop function only loops current song, not entire queue
-- Fixes that are in progress --
- reaction roles
prefix is widely used, and until it can be altered by users should be changed to something more specific like b! or bh!
certain logs do not indicate targets (such as the nuke command)
need to be able to target a channel in the delete channel command instead of having to run the command in the channel
need to fix announce command to include channels that people specify with # as well as other commands that function off of @roles and #channels
most logs do not specify what user invoked the command
Admin roles need to be configured under all admin commands
mute command currently broken looking for a fix to come in v4
kick command does not work on bots
Support tickets
Server stats need private channel perms on creation
welcome message needs revisiting