To run the example notebooks in this repository, you will need a GCP project with billing enabled. Each notebook contains additional required setup steps
To create a notebook instance:
- Navigate to Vertex Workbench User Managed Notebooks and create a python notebook instance (or use the cloud shell command below)
2.1. At the top of the screen, click "NEW NOTEBOOK"
2.2. Use the first option for a notebook "Python 3"
2.3. For the Region, select the first option "us-central1"
2.4. Click "Create"gcloud notebooks instances create vertex-pipelines-r \ --vm-image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \ --vm-image-family=common-cpu-notebooks \ --machine-type=n1-standard-8 \ --location=us-central1-a
- Once the notebook instance is created, clone this repository via the GUI or terminal:
git clone
Optional You can also work from the Cloud Shell Editor and click the button below to clone and open this repository in your own Cloud Shell instance:
Original author and source of (most of) the code in this repository: Rajesh Thallum RajeshThallam/vertex-ai-labs