I wrote the app to learn flutter mostly, also the app allows me to track my 5/3/1 Boring But Big Strength Training Regimen. If you want to build this for yourself get your own firebase account, which is free upto 1 GB of data.
- https://icons8.com/icon/38915/deadlift
- https://icons8.com/icon/13386/bench-press
- https://icons8.com/icon/16962/squats
- https://icons8.com/icon/16971/weightlifting
Main icon: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/barbell_1690609#term=barbell&page=1&position=23
SVG assets for misc usage: https://undraw.co/illustrations
For i-OS https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/flutter_launcher_icons
For Android Icons are made with Android Studio, so they look native based on android versions . Adaptive icons
On android, every size of the splash screen image name
is just the raw image(same size), just so the icon
splash screen is bigger.
First add the fingerprint for the new system to firebase and download the new google-services.json file Add the projects fingerprint on the new system using this https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth
keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore
For Android: https://console.firebase.google.com/u/1/project/fitness-531/settings/general/android:com.kaipada.fitness_531
- put the
file under android/app/google-services.json
Justin download the .plist
Follow this video to see how to import the file in X-Code: https://youtu.be/3nFIMej3Tvw
If building iOS breaks after updating flutter dependency go to the ios dir and run pod update
- https://exrx.net/WeightTraining/Powerlifting/531
- https://medium.com/flutter-community/simple-recipes-app-made-in-flutter-firebase-and-google-sign-in-14d1535e9a59
- [ ] Update the records page so, when deleting a record it animates it
- [ ] Update the records page so, user can undo deletion ?
- [X] Add a chips section to add and remove plates available in the Gym
- [X] Add time series graphs to show records progress
- [ ] Integrate with google fit
- [X] Update database schema
- [ ] Fix the progress circle not updating without restarting
# Current database schema /{table}/{collection}/{user_id}/{document_id_auto_generated} /users/max_reps/xfdlisjdlskjdloshdwlkb/-LfbG5FoshW1l0V6hfjv # New better schema /{table}/{user_id}/{collection}/{document_id_auto_generated} /user/sdlksjdlsfhqefbqedfjbnq/records/KMbSCgDsNutZLejnEniR
# launch emulator on linux
sudo chown justin /dev/kvm
emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_26
emulator -avd Pixel_2_API_29