Kube-node-red is aiming to integrate Kubeflow/Kubebeters with node-red, leveraging node-red's low-code modules, and using Kubeflow resources (e.g. Kubeflow pipeline, Kserve) to enhance its AI/ML ability.
As this project focused on the node-red integration with Kubeflow, one running Kubeflow instance should be ready on a publicly available network. (If you need to provision your own Kubeflow instance, you could refer to our mulitkf project to allocate one instance for developing.)
You can proceed to examples folder and run the ./build.sh
to build the image locally or just run the ./run.sh
which would download the base image from our public repository.
We organized some examples under examples folder, and make sensitive information pass via environment variables. Please refer the following example to launch an individual example:
cd examples && \
KUBEFLOW_HOST=<your-kubeflow-instance-endpoint> \
KUBEFLOW_USERNAME=<your-username-account> \
KUBEFLOW_PASSWORD=<your-password> \
./run.sh <example-index>