This repo contains a very simple implemtation of a web based chat application written in go utilizing websocket technology
- joewalnes/reconnecting-websocket - To facilitate reconnecting to the websocket incase of server disconnection.
- Jet Template Engine for Go
- bmizerany/pat - A Sinatra style pattern muxer for Go's net/http library
- Gorilla WebSocket - a Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol.
0. You need to have Go installed on your computer. If not, You could head on over to <a href=''>The Go Programming Language webiste</a> to learn more about installing Go on your pc.
1. Alternatively you could setup a docker environment to run the Go program. Here is what a simple local docker enviroment to run a go project would look like.
2. Once your enviroment is all setup
3. Clone the repo.
2. Navigate to the root folder of the cloned repo.
3. Run go run ./cmd/web/. (for windows pc) and go run /cmd/web/*(on mac) in the terminal.
4. Pray that it works!
5. If all is well, you should get the following lines printed out on your terminal
starting channel listener
starting web server at port 8080
Head on over to The Go Programming Language
Didn't understand something? All the code is mostly self-explanatory but still if you have any questions email me([email protected])