Javascript client for the Jupyter services REST APIs
Note: All functions and classes using the REST API allow an ajaxOptions
parameter to configure requests.
npm install --save @jupyterlab/services
conda install notebook # notebook 4.2+ required
git clone
cd services
npm install
npm run build
conda install notebook # notebook 4.2+ required
npm run clean
npm run build
Follow the source build instructions first.
npm test
Follow the source build instructions first.
npm run docs
Navigate to docs/index.html
The runtime versions which are currently known to work are listed below. Earlier versions may also work, but come with no guarantees.
- Node 0.12.7+
- IE 11+
- Firefox 32+
- Chrome 38+
Note: "requirejs" must be included in a global context for Comm targets.
This can be as a <script>
tag in the browser or by using the requirejs
package in node (npm install requirejs
and setting
global.requirejs = require('requirejs');
). See the examples
for usage.
Follow the package install instructions first.
The library requires a running Jupyter Notebook server, launched as:
python -m notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin="*"
The origin can be specified directly instead of using *
if desired.
Follow the package install instructions first.
See examples/browser
for an example of using Webpack to bundle the library.
Note: Some browsers (such as IE11), require a polyfill for Promises. The example demonstrates the use of the polyfill.
Follow the package install instructions first.
npm install --save xmlhttprequest ws
Override the global XMLHttpRequest
and WebSocket
(in ES6 syntax):
import { XMLHttpRequest } from "xmlhttprequest";
import { default as WebSocket } from 'ws';
global.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;
global.WebSocket = WebSocket;
See examples/node
for an example of using an ES5 node script.
Note: This module is fully compatible with Node/Babel/ES6/ES5. The examples below are written in TypeScript using ES6 syntax. Simply omit the type declarations when using a language other than TypeScript. A translator such as Babel can be used to convert from ES6 -> ES5.
import {
KernelMessage, Kernel
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the notebook server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Get a list of available kernels and connect to one.
Kernel.listRunning({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelModels => {
let options: Kernel.IOptions = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelModels[0].name
Kernel.connectTo(kernelModels[0].id, options).then((kernel) => {
// Get info about the available kernels and start a new one.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
console.log('Default spec:', kernelSpecs.default);
console.log('Available specs', Object.keys(kernelSpecs.kernelspecs));
// use the default name
let options: Kernel.IOptions = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default
Kernel.startNew(options).then(kernel => {
// Execute and handle replies.
let future = kernel.requestExecute({ code: 'a = 1' } );
future.onDone = () => {
console.log('Future is fulfilled');
future.onIOPub = (msg) => {
console.log(msg.content); // Print rich output data.
// Restart the kernel and then send an inspect message.
kernel.restart().then(() => {
let request: KernelMessage.IInspectRequest = {
code: 'hello', cursor_pos: 4, detail_level: 0
kernel.requestInspect(request).then(reply => {
// Interrupt the kernel and then send a complete message.
kernel.interrupt().then(() => {
kernel.requestComplete({ code: 'impor', cursor_pos: 4 } ).then((reply) => {
// Register a callback for when the kernel changes state.
kernel.statusChanged.connect((status) => {
console.log('status', status);
// Kill the kernel.
kernel.shutdown().then(() => {
console.log('Kernel shut down');
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Get a list of available sessions and connect to one.
Session.listRunning({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(sessionModels => {
let options = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
kernelName: sessionModels[0],
path: sessionModels[0].notebook.path
Session.connectTo(sessionModels[0].id, options).then((session) => {
// Start a new session.
let options = {
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
kernelName: 'python',
path: '/tmp/foo.ipynb'
Session.startNew(options).then(session => {
// Execute and handle replies on the kernel.
let future = session.kernel.requestExecute({ code: 'a = 1' });
future.onDone = () => {
console.log('Future is fulfilled');
// Rename the session.
session.rename('/local/bar.ipynb').then(() => {
console.log('Session renamed to', session.path);
// Register a callback for when the session dies.
session.terminated.connect(() => {
console.log('session died');
// Kill the session.
session.shutdown().then(() => {
console.log('session closed');
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
const BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:8000';
// Create a comm from the server side.
// Get info about the available kernels and connect to one.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
return Kernel.startNew({
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default,
}).then(kernel => {
let comm = kernel.connectToComm('test');'initial state');
// Create a comm from the client side.
Kernel.getSpecs({ baseUrl: BASE_URL }).then(kernelSpecs => {
return Kernel.startNew({
baseUrl: BASE_URL,
name: kernelSpecs.default,
}).then(kernel => {
kernel.registerCommTarget('test2', (comm, commMsg) => {
if (commMsg.content.target_name !== 'test2') {
comm.onMsg = (msg) => {
console.log(msg); // 'hello'
comm.onClose = (msg) => {
console.log(msg); // 'bye'
let code = [
'from ipykernel.comm import Comm',
'comm = Comm(target_name="test2")',
kernel.requestExecute({ code: code });
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8000';
let contents = new ContentsManager({ baseUrl });
// Create a new python file.
contents.newUntitled({ path: '/foo', type: 'file', ext: 'py' }).then(
(model) => {
console.log('new file:', model.path);
// Get the contents of a directory.
(model) => {
console.log('files:', model.content);
// Rename a file.
contents.rename('/foo/bar.txt', '/foo/baz.txt');
// Save a file.'/foo/test.ipynb');
// Delete a file.
// Copy a file.
contents.copy('/foo/bar.txt', '/baz').then((model) => {
console.log('new path', model.path);
// Create a checkpoint.
contents.createCheckpoint('/foo/bar.ipynb').then((model) => {
let checkpoint = model;
// Restore a checkpoint.
// Delete a checkpoint.
// List checkpoints for a file.
contents.listCheckpoints('/foo/bar.txt').then((models) => {
import {
ConfigWithDefaults, ConfigSection
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// The base url of the Jupyter server.
let baseUrl = 'http://localhost:8000';
ConfigSection.create({ name: 'notebook', baseUrl }).then(section => {
let config = new ConfigWithDefaults({
defaults: { default_cell_type: 'code' },
className: 'Notebook'
console.log(config.get('default_cell_type')); // 'code'
config.set('foo', 'bar').then(data => {
console.log(data); // "{ 'foo': 'bar' }"
import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';
// Create a named terminal session and send some data.
TerminalSession.startNew().then(session => {
session.send({ type: 'stdin', content: ['foo'] });