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An RGBD perception pipeline for object recognition with the PR2 robot using ROS, PCL, and SVM in Gazebo simulation

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An RGBD perception pipeline for object recognition with the PR2 robot using ROS in Gazebo simulation.

In order to use the pcl library for point cloud processing in c++, and the sklearn Python library for object recognition, the perception pipeline was broken into two nodes: pr2_segmentation, a c++ node for point cloud cluster segmentation, and a Python node for object recognition using SVM.


There were three "worlds" with which to test the success of our build.

world 1

100% (3/3) correct object identification.

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world 2:

100% (5/5) correct object identification.

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world 3:

100% (8/8) correct object identification.

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Code Breakdown

The following is an overview of perception performance in the third world.

After building the environment, the simulation can be launched by running the following commands in the shell in the root directory of your project

cd pr2_robot/scripts/

which roslaunches the pick_place_project.launch and pick_place_perception.launch scripts, and rosruns

Point Cloud Segmentation

The pr2_segmentation nodes' basic functionality is to accept a sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 input and separate individual clusters for object identification in the script.

In order to accomplish this, we can take advantage of the pcl library and its various filter classes.

The main loop of pr2_segmentation is quite simple: initialize the node, declare an instance of the segmentation class, and sit back.

  int main (int argc, char** argv)
    // Initialize ROS
    ros::init (argc, argv, "segmentation");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    // get the segmentaiton object
    segmentation segs(nh);

    ros::spin ();


The segmentation class is in charge of handling point cloud publishing, subscribing, and filtration. It consists of a subscriber, a publisher, and all requisite filters.


    ros::NodeHandle m_nh;
    ros::Subscriber m_sub;
    ros::Publisher m_clusterPub;

    // Declare the filters
    pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PCLPointCloud2> voxelFilter; // voxel filter
    pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> passY; // passthrough filter in the y dir
    pcl::PassThrough<pcl::PointXYZRGB> passZ; // pcl object to hold the passthrough filtered results in the z dir
    pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZRGB> outlierFilter; // statistical outlier filter
    pcl::SACSegmentation<pcl::PointXYZRGB> ransacSegmentation; // ransac segmentation filter
    pcl::ExtractIndices<pcl::PointXYZRGB> extract; // extraction class for RANSAC segmentation
    std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> cluster_indices; // vector containing the segmented clusters
    pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction<pcl::PointXYZRGB> ec; // extraction object for the clusters

The initialization steps for each filter are highlighted beneath its filter descriptions below.

In the class constructor, the publisher to via the pr2_robot/pcl_cluster topic, and subscriber to the /pr2/world/points RGBD cloud are initialized

  // define the subscriber and publisher
  m_sub = m_nh.subscribe ("/pr2/world/points", 1, &segmentation::cloud_cb, this);
  m_clusterPub = m_nh.advertise<pr2_robot::SegmentedClustersArray> ("pr2_robot/pcl_clusters",1);

The bulk of the computation happens in the callback function to the pr2/world/points topic.

   void segmentation::cloud_cb (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg)

The callback dynamically allocates memory for the containers for the point clouds before and after filtration,

  // get pointers to new pcl objects
  pcl::PCLPointCloud2* cloud = new pcl::PCLPointCloud2; // // pcl object to hold the conversion from sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 data type
  pcl::PCLPointCloud2* cloud_filtered = new pcl::PCLPointCloud2; // pcl object to hold the voxel filtered cloud
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> * xyz_cloud = new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>; // pcl object to hold the conversion from pcl::PointCloud2 data type
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> * xyz_cloud_filtered = new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>; // pcl object to hold the passthrough filtered data in the y direction

generates shared pointers for inputs to the filter functions,

  // get the shared pointers
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr xyzCloudPtrFiltered (xyz_cloud_filtered);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr xyzCloudPtr (xyz_cloud);
  pcl::PCLPointCloud2Ptr cloudFilteredPtr (cloud_filtered);
  pcl::PCLPointCloud2ConstPtr cloudPtr(cloud);

performs conversions from the native ROS message type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 to the PCL data type pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>,

  // Convert to PCL data type
  pcl_conversions::toPCL(* cloud_msg, * cloud);

and passes the cloud through a series of filters.

In order to visualize the point cloud processing, uncomment #define DEBUG in the /src/pr2_segmentation.cpp script and recompile with catkin_make. The point cloud after each filtration can be seen in RViz. Normal node functionality does not generate these output clouds.

The world 3 scene is simulated as eight objects in close proximity on a table

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In order to simulate real world behavior, The pr2's RGBD camera publishes noisy point cloud data on the pr2/world/points/ topic, which serves as the input to the pr2_segmentation script.

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The initial cloud is too dense to perform calculation in a reasonable amount of time, so we perform voxel sampling to condense all points in a volume leaf_size^3 to a single point containing the average of their values.

The voxel filter is a private variable in the segmentation class, and is initialized in the class contructor with parameters from the filter_parameters.yaml script in the config directory. From the constructor:

From segmentation::segmentation()

  ros::param::get("/filters/voxel_filter/leaf_size", vf_leaf_size );
  // set voxel filter parameters
  voxelFilter.setLeafSize (vf_leaf_size,vf_leaf_size,vf_leaf_size);

during the callback, we just need to pass the initial cloud to the filter and specify a smart pointer to the output container.

from segmentation::cloud_cb()

  // Perform voxel grid downsampling filtering
  voxelFilter.setInputCloud (cloudPtr);
  voxelFilter.filter (* cloudFilteredPtr);

Resulting in the more pixelated, less computationally expensive cloud:

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Even after downsampling, the cloud is too broad for segmentation and clustering algorithms to work properly and in a short amount of time. Humans have the advantage of specifying a region of focus when analyzing a large region, we should do the same for our robot. Practically this can be achieved by two passthrough filters in the z and y directions. Just like the voxel filter, both passthough filters were instantiated previously in the class constructor with ranges specified by the filter_parameters.yaml script,

From segmentation::segmentation()

  ros::param::get("/filters/passthrough_z/lower_limit", pz_lower_limit);
  ros::param::get("/filters/passthrough_z/upper_limit", pz_upper_limit );
  m_nh.param<double>("/filters/passthrough_y/lower_limit", py_lower_limit , py_lower_limit);
  ros::param::get("/filters/passthrough_y/upper_limit", py_upper_limit );
  passY.setFilterFieldName ("y");
  passY.setFilterLimits (py_lower_limit, py_upper_limit);
  passZ.setFilterFieldName ("z");
  passZ.setFilterLimits (pz_lower_limit, pz_upper_limit);

so we can achieve a focused cloud by passing them pointers to the input and output point cloud data containers.

from segmentation::cloud_cb()

In the y direction:

  //perform passthrough filtering in the y dir
  passY.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtr);
  passY.filter (* xyzCloudPtrFiltered);

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and in the z direction:

  // passthrough filter in the z dir
  passZ.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  passZ.filter (* xyzCloudPtrFiltered);

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Before segmentation and clustering algorithms will function correctly, the noise resulting from faulty measurements or reflective dust must be removed from the cloud with a statistical outlier filter. All parameters are specified in the filter_parameters.yaml script and filter is instantiated in the segmentation class constructor

From segmentation::segmentation()

  ros::param::get("/filters/outlier_filter/mean_k", of_mean_k );
  ros::param::get("/filters/outlier_filter/std_dev", of_std_dev );
  outlierFilter.setMeanK (of_mean_k);
  outlierFilter.setStddevMulThresh (of_std_dev);

from segmentation::cloud_cb()

  // perform outlier filtering
  outlierFilter.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  outlierFilter.filter (* xyzCloudPtrFiltered);

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Since we are interested in the objects on top of the table, we can perform RANSAC segmentation against a planar model to extract the points that fit a planar equation within a reasonable error and save the rest.

from segmentation::segmentation()

  ros::param::get("/filters/ransac_segmentation/distance_threshold", rs_distance_threshold );
  // set ransac filter parameters
  ransacSegmentation.setOptimizeCoefficients (true);
  ransacSegmentation.setModelType (pcl::SACMODEL_PLANE);
  ransacSegmentation.setMethodType (pcl::SAC_RANSAC);
  ransacSegmentation.setDistanceThreshold (rs_distance_threshold);
  extract.setNegative (true);

from segmentation::cloud_cb()

  // perform RANSAC segmentation and extract outliers
  pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr coefficients (new pcl::ModelCoefficients);
  pcl::PointIndices::Ptr inliers (new pcl::PointIndices);
  ransacSegmentation.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  ransacSegmentation.segment (* inliers, * coefficients);
  extract.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  extract.setIndices (inliers);
  extract.filter (* xyzCloudPtrFiltered);

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All thats left are the objects of interest. In order to separate each individual object cloud, we perform Euclidean Cluster Extraction to group points with their closest cluster and save each cluster to a vector of PCL point clouds.

from segmentation::segmentation()

  // get the parameters from the parameter server
  ros::param::get("/filters/euclidean_cluster/cluster_tolerance", ec_cluster_tolerance );
  ros::param::get("/filters/euclidean_cluster/maximum_cluster_size", ec_maximum_cluster_size );
  ros::param::get("/filters/euclidean_cluster/minimum_cluster_size", ec_minimum_cluster_size);
  ec.setClusterTolerance (ec_cluster_tolerance); // 2cm
  ec.setMinClusterSize (ec_minimum_cluster_size);
  ec.setMaxClusterSize (ec_maximum_cluster_size);

from segmentation::cloud_cb()

  pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
  tree->setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  ec.setInputCloud (xyzCloudPtrFiltered);
  ec.extract (cluster_indices);

Below the clusters are colorized to show individual identification.

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Now that each object of interest is separated into its own point cloud, each point cloud cluster is packaged in a PointCloud2 vector as an ROS message and sent to the python via a pr2_robot::SegmentedClustersArray message on the pr2/pcl_clusters topic.

  // declare an instance of the SegmentedClustersArray message
  pr2_robot::SegmentedClustersArray CloudClusters;

  // here, cluster_indices is a vector of indices for each cluster. iterate through each indices object to work with them separately
  for (std::vector<pcl::PointIndices>::const_iterator it = cluster_indices.begin (); it != cluster_indices.end (); ++it)

    // create a pcl object to hold the extracted cluster
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> * cluster = new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>;
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr clusterPtr (cluster);

    // now we are in a vector of indices pertaining to a single cluster.
    // Assign each point corresponding to this cluster in xyzCloudPtrPassthroughFiltered a specific color for identification purposes
    for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator pit = it->indices.begin (); pit != it->indices.end (); ++pit)
      clusterPtr->points.push_back(xyzCloudPtrFiltered->points[* pit]);


    // populate the output message
    pcl::toPCLPointCloud2( * clusterPtr ,outputPCL); // convert to pcl::PCLPointCloud2
    pcl_conversions::fromPCL(outputPCL, output); // Convert to ROS data type
    CloudClusters.clusters.push_back(output); // add the cluster to the array message


  // publish the clusters

And the pr2_segmentation callback is completed.

Object Recognition and Identification is responsible for three tasks:

  • perform point cloud object classification against the SVM model.
  • generate labels in RViz for each recognized object.
  • generate a yaml output file with a server request for the pick and place operation.

Once the script receives the vector of point cloud clusters from the pr2_segmentation node, it begins by classifying each cluster. The SVM model in this example is trained with 256 bins for HSV color in the range [0,256] and 64 bins for normals in the range [-1,1], with 100 randomly generated orientations of each potential object of interest. A full description of how the SVM model was trained can be found in the repo

Each point in the cluster is passed into an array of 3 color channels

    for point in pc2.read_points(cloud, skip_nans=True):
        rgb_list = float_to_rgb(point[3])
        point_colors_list.append(rgb_to_hsv(rgb_list) * 255)

  for color in point_colors_list:

histograms of the proper bin number are computed

    # Compute histograms for the colors in the point cloud
    channel1_hist = np.histogram(channel_1_vals, bins=numBins, range=(0, 256))
    channel2_hist = np.histogram(channel_2_vals, bins=numBins, range=(0, 256))
    channel3_hist = np.histogram(channel_3_vals, bins=numBins, range=(0, 256))

and concatenated into normalized feature vectors

  hist_features = np.concatenate((channel1_hist[0],channel2_hist[0], channel3_hist[0])).astype(np.float64)
    normed_features = hist_features / np.sum(hist_features)       

to be passed into the svm modle for classification

  prediction = clf.predict(scaler.transform(feature.reshape(1,-1)))

The process is repeated for the surface normals of each cluster across the range (-1,1)

Once classification is complete, a detected_object message is generated containing the label, label position, and corresponding point cloud index and passed to RViz.

object_markers_pub.publish(make_label(label,centroids[index], index))

resulting in the following classification

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and finally, the results of the classification for each cluster, its centroid position, and information for the pick and place operation are saved in the ROS service format for a pick and place operation

  item_name = String()
          place_pose = Pose()
          pick_pose = Pose()
          arm_name = String()
          test_scene_num = Int32()

          # populate the msgs with data
 = obj['name']
          pick_pose.position.x = np.asscalar(centroids[index][0])
          pick_pose.position.y = np.asscalar(centroids[index][1])
          pick_pose.position.z = np.asscalar(centroids[index][2]-.4)
 = scene_num
 = dropbox_data[0]['name']

          if (obj['group'] == dropbox_data[0]['group']):
     = dropbox_data[0]['name']
              place_pose.position.x = dropbox_data[0]['position'][0]
              place_pose.position.y = dropbox_data[0]['position'][1]
              place_pose.position.z = dropbox_data[0]['position'][2]
     = dropbox_data[1]['name']
              place_pose.position.x = dropbox_data[1]['position'][0]
              place_pose.position.y = dropbox_data[1]['position'][1]
              place_pose.position.z = dropbox_data[1]['position'][2]

and a yaml output script containing all service requests is saved to an output script for verification

    yaml_dict = make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, item_name,  pick_pose, place_pose,)


    # save the Yaml dictionary generated above to an output Yaml file
      yaml_filename = "output_" + "%s"%(scene_num) + ".yaml"
      if len(dict_list) > 0:
          send_to_yaml(yaml_filename, dict_list)

The yaml output files are located in the /scripts directory

The process can be repeated for worlds 2 and 1.

Performance and Improvements

The model performed very well, achieving perfect object classification in all three test worlds.

In the pr2_segmentation callback, code flow could have been sped up by defining each filter as a nodelet and passing smart pointers between filters, so each filter could work independently without passing the entire data structure between nodes. Performance would then be dictated by the execution time of the slowest filter rather than the sum of all filters execution time.

Also, there could be performance improvements examining the optimal tradeoff between voxel filter leaf_size and object recognition accuracy, the value chosen worked but was not necessarily optimal.

In terms of SVM model training, accuracy could have been improved in a number of ways. I was satisfied with performance (~95% accuracy) after 100 iterations of each object, but I imagine better and more consistent performance could have been achieved with more samples per object.

Also, there was a very clear trade-off between voxel grid leaf size, and classification speed and accuracy. Lower leaf sizes resulted in faster performance but a higher probability of misclassification, and would sometimes invalidate small or occluded objects as unique cluster classifications since the voxel number could drop below the minimum cluster tolerance for the euclidean extraction filter. The optimal parameter selection for performance accuracy vs speed is dependent on the limitations and requirements of the application, and parameters were selected for maximal accuracy in this application to showcase classification performance.

Also after discussing with some other members of the cohort, the data from the normals appeared to be noisy and inconsistent at low sample numbers. Apparently classification accuracy was highly dependent on color histograms with people able to achieve close to 100% object classification more or less ignoring normals in their SVM. I was able to achieve 90% classification accuracy without normals, and 92% accuracy with normals for 40 samples per object in training. This is probably due to the consistent lighting in simulation leading to consistent object coloration across runs, but investigation on how to better include noise resistant geometric data for feature vectors will be useful in future applications of SVM. As a first pass, perhaps increasing the setRadiusSearch(0.03); parameter in the feature-extractor.cpp node could lead to more consistent planes for normal estimation, or decreasing the voxel filter leaf_size on the input cloud. Also investigation into HOG features might be a better way to do geometric classification for SVM training.


An RGBD perception pipeline for object recognition with the PR2 robot using ROS, PCL, and SVM in Gazebo simulation







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