This module integrates the MathJax library into your Backdrop site. MathJax is the modern JavaScript-based LaTeX rendering solution for the Internet.
Install and enable this module.
Add the MathJax filter to an existing or new text format under Administration >> Configuration >> Text Formats. Put the MathJax filter at the bottom of the "Filter processing order".
Test it by adding a LaTeX formula between '$' in any node body (for example:
$2 + 2 = 4$ ). Select the body text format you configured on the Text Formats administration screen.
Install and enable this module.
Install and enable "libraries". See
Install the third-party MathJax software: Download MathJax source from the MathJax website. Un-archive it into your "libraries" directory. You may need to create the "libraries" directory first. Rename it to "mathjax" (lower case).
Roberto Scalas (
Module written by Thomas Julou.
2013: Chris McCafferty (cilefen)
2014: P. Magunia (pmagunia)
This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.