This extension allows you to use Google Base to list products for free that will appear in Google Product Search (
For product feed field definitions, (consult
Create google base account. Create google base ftp account (if applicable). Create data feed in google base with a type "Products" and name "google_base.xml".
Install the extension with one of the following commands
gem "spree_google_base", :git => 'git://'
to Gemfile Runbundle install
Runrails g spree_google_base:install
Runrake db:migrate
Edit product_type, priorities in spree admin (/admin/taxon_map)
Set preferences in spree admin panel (/admin/google_base_settings) for the feed title, public domain, feed description, ftp login and password. FTP login is not required - you may schedule upload from the public directory.
Issue the command
bundle exec rake spree_google_base:generate_and_transfer
to generate and upload the feed.
If you receive an error 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
, the FTP server is angry at you for not configuring your username\password correctly.
You can modify fields set for export and list of 'g:' attributes. Just create\modify config/initializers/google_base.rb and override values of GOOGLE_BASE_ATTR_MAP and GOOGLE_BASE_FILTERED_ATTRS arrays with help of Array#delete, Array#delete_at, Array#<<, Array#+=, etc. Also you can override methods from product_decorator.rb in your site extension.
There are two options to regulate google base product update:
A) Setup cronjobs to run 'rake spree_google_base:generate' and 'rake spree_google_base:transfer'
Development of this extension is sponsored by End Point and by FCP Groton.