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Lime Technology unRAID OS System Management Utility, aka, webGui


In unRAID OS 5.0-rc the last sequence in system start up is as follows (from /etc/rc.d/rc.local):

  1. Use installpkg to install all slackware packages which exist in /boot/extra.
  2. Use installplg to install all plugins which exist in /boot/plugins.
  3. Use installplg to install all plugins which exist in /boot/config/plugins.
  4. Invoke the /boot/go script.

Normally there should be nothing to install in either /boot/extra or /boot/plugins.

All community-created plugin plg files should be downloaded to: /boot/config/plugins

Any slackware packages needed by the plugin should be referenced and downloaded to: /boot/packages

Note: for unRAID 5.0 these should be from Slackware version 13.1 unless you absolutely need the functionality
of a newer package.

Any other files needed by the plugin should be downloaded to: /boot/config/plugins/<plugin-name>

If a plugin requires a saved configuration file, it should exist in /boot/config/plugins/<plugin-name>/<plugin-name>.cfg

webGui Installation

With that background, we are going to install the webGui plugin file in /boot/plugins in order to ensure that it gets installed first, since it's possible for subsequent plugins to alter or replace files of the webGui plugin.

First, login to the command line on your server, e.g., at the console or a telnet session.

Next, make sure you have a /boot/plugins directory. If it already exists, ensure that it's empty.

Next, make sure you have a /boot/config/plugins directory.

Now type this:

cd /boot/plugins
wget --no-check-certificate
installplg webGui-latest.plg

If you have any other plugins installed, reboot your server; otherwise, just bring up the webGui in your browser.


If you want to download a later version of -latest than what you already have, then delete the two files first:

cd /boot/plugins
rm webGui-latest*
wget --no-check-certificate
installplg webGui-latest.plg

What is the plugin doing?

When installed for the first time, installplg webGui-latest.plg will do this:

  • Download some needed slackware packages to /boot/packages (if not already there).
  • Create the /boot/config/plugins/webGui directory where the file webGui.cfg will be maintained to store user webGui preferences.
  • Delete the current webGui in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui
  • Extract the webGui-latest.txz package to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui

How is the .txz file created?

On the local server:

cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui
makepkg ../webGui-latest.txz

Note that unlike typical slackware packages, this package root is not /. Looking at the plg you'll see that it's installed using --root /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/webGui option.

Summary of files locations

  • /boot/extra - contains "system" slackware packages
  • /boot/plugins - contains "system" plugins
  • /boot/config/plugins - contains "community-written" plugins
  • /boot/packages - contains slackware packages downloaded by plugins
  • /boot/config/plugins/<plugin-name> - directory for plugin use
  • /boot/config/plugins/<plugin-name>.cfg - name and location of saved config data maintaned by plugin
  • /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/<plugin-name> - runtime location of plugin code
  • /var/local/emhttp/plugins - runtime location of plugin temp files


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