The project is currently under development. The initial release plans to launch the 12:th of December 2018.
This web application is an accessibility tool to help developers learn the fundamentals of screen reader mechanics. The application contains a sandbox where the user can drop a piece of code, and as the user navigates through the code, the screen reader highlights the part of the code that is being read. This serves to demonstrate how the screen reader interacts with the source code through the Web Accessibility API. A wireframe will be added to describe the application flow more clearly.
The server side of the application runs on Express.js, and the client side runs on Vue.js. You can find information about the application's development technologies in the Contribution Guidelines.
The application is part of Mozilla Open Leaders Round 6.
This project contains the four following roles:
- Users
- Contributors
- Reviewers
- Maintainers
You can take on any one of these, or multiple, roles. Read a short description of each role below.
Users drive the project forward by voicing their opinion. A user's typical tasks include
- Reporting issues and bugs
- Requesting new features
Contributors drive the project forward by submitting modifications. A contributors's typical tasks include
- Sending patches and bugfixes
- Writing documentation
Reviewers drive the project forward by deciding what goes into the project. A reviewer's typical tasks include
- Ensuring code quality
- Teaching about ways of working
Maintainers drive the project forward by controlling its direction. A maintainer's typical tasks include
- Ensuring community culture
- Ensuring project health and scalability
Please note that these roles sometimes overlap. For example, a maintainer's tasks can contain that of a reviewer and a contributor.
Big thanks to everyone who has made this project better!
@rmoswela |
@cameo-myob |
@tairosonloa |
@dangerjen |
@brianabaker |
Please follow the Contribution Guidelines when suggesting changes to this project.
This project enforces the Contributor Covenant.
screenmycode is released under the MIT License.