ATTENTION : laminar_python is no longer actively developed, check out Nighres instead!
This repository contains Python versions of several modules of CBS Tools that are useful for laminar analysis. [1-3]
- Make sure required Python libraries are installed
pip install numpy argparse nibabel
- Clone this repository to a directory that is in your PYTHONPATH, e.g
cd /home/workspace
git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/workspace/
You should now be able to import laminar_python in Python, try:
import laminar_python
You can find an example showcasing the different functions in the laminar_python_demo.ipynb notebook.
[1] Bazin et al. (2014). A computational framework for ultra-high resolution cortical segmentation at 7Tesla.
[3] Waehnert et al. (2014). Anatomically motivated modeling of cortical laminae.