Javascript Sly
which can be found here:
Support fot horizontal only
composer require "jucksearm/yii2-sly-slider"
OR add this to your composer.json require section
"jucksearm/yii2-sly-slider": "*",
download file
extract file to vendor
folder as:
|- jucksearm
|- yii2-sly-slider
| ......
This extensions is design for widgets, You can call it every where. Example code here:
<?php echo jucksearm\sly\Sly::widget([
'id' => 'slider', ** unique id
'items'=> [
['content' => '<img src=""></img>'], ** insert images
['content' => '<div>test</div>'], ** insert html DOM
'htmlOptions' => [
'style' => 'height:200px;', ** custom options
'class' => 'slider-h',
'widgetOptions' => [
'itemNav' => 'basic', ** setting widgets
]); ?>
You can copy example code in example.php to your view render in some controller.
Detailed description of all available yii2sly widget options.