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Releases: juanosarg/AlphaMemes

RimWorld Release version

22 Feb 17:07
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  • Fix: Social ritual was being duplicated

RimWorld Release version

13 Feb 09:27
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  • Tweak: Baptism ritual will now receive bonuses from being outdoors instead of room impressiveness
  • Fix: raiding a sanguophage camp will no longer provide a development point per colonist, just a single one as intended

RimWorld Release version

01 Feb 17:53
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  • Fix: The Harmony patch removing maternal mortality was checking for the "art production speed: increased" precept, rather than "maternal mortality: nullified". Courtesy of Sokyran the Dragon

RimWorld Release Version

31 Jan 07:35
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  • Fix; null checked the GetTable method so it doesn't pop an error for pawns eating while on caravans

RimWorld Release Version

30 Jan 22:45
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  • Fix: rodeo ritual was overriding participants of social rituals

RimWorld Release version

30 Jan 16:03
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  • Fix: added other null check for Filthrate stat

RimWorld Release Version

29 Jan 19:37
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  • Fix: Tea need was appearing on ideos without the tea precept
  • Tweak: compat added for Erin's teas

RimWorld Release Version

28 Jan 22:29
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  • Further null checking on the problematic class just in case

RimWorld Release Version

28 Jan 22:05
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  • Hotfix for a major bug where a faction check was making some other mods go crazy and crash the game to desktop

RimWorld Release version

28 Jan 17:17
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  • MAJOR recoding effort to make everything more modern, faster, sexier. You will get some red errors when the mod updates, but only once, on savegame load, and they won't (or shouldn't) appear again. If they reoccur more than once, please report using the bug report system


  • Added: 7 new memes, Vampire hunting (needs Biotech), Epicurean (needs VE Cooking), Water primacy, Tea primacy (needs VE Brewing), Cowboys, Deforestation and Fertility (needs Biotech)
  • Added: 19 new issues for precepts for these memes
  • Added: 4 new rituals for these memes, baptism, rodeo, tea ceremony and banquet
  • Added: 3 new independent issues for precepts, Disfigurement, Children learning and Creep (with VE Insectoids 2)
  • Added: Nutrient paste eating: Forbidden precept
  • Added: a new independent ritual, sparring match, basically an unarmed gladiator match for colonists instead of prisoners/slaves
  • Added: Mod option to allow high impact memes to be chosen when creating a fluid ideo. Off by default. Only appears if you don't have VE Memes and Structures
  • Added: tweaks to biological reconstructors to give bonuses to animals that have been scanned. Animals that have been scanned will now receive a bonus to filth rate, caravan riding speed and minimum handling skill needed to tame and train them. Similarly, analyzing and releasing an animal to the wild now provides a mood bonus for believers
  • Tweak: Renamed a lot of c# classes for ease of reading
  • Tweak: Some GameComponents are now handled via WorldComponents
  • Tweak: All game, map and world components should now execute right after loading a save (or properly store their stuff)
  • Tweak: added true to most hediffs
  • Tweak: destroying a relic in the iconoclast meme now gives 10 development points.
  • Tweak: removed flamboyant colours from kemetic button down shirt. Removed lower parts of the kemetic duster. Reduced size of the kemetic simple helmet
  • Fix: MeditationFocusStrength was not being applied on the psyfocus gain precept, as it applies to buildings instead of pawns. It should now apply properly
  • Fix: all modded funerals should now be detected as being indiferent when it comes to ambient temperature. Your corpses no longer need comfort.
  • Fix: long standing bug where adding memes that add abilities through a fluid ideo didn't actually add the abilities (this fix is on the VE Framework)