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A conference organization web application build on Google App Engine. Project 4 of Udacity Fullstack Nanodegree


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A conference organization web application built on Google App Engine.

This is Project 4 of Udacity Fullstack Nanodegree, and is an extension of the code developed in the Developing Scalable Apps in Python course.




Setup Instructions

  1. Update the value of application in app.yaml to the app ID you have registered in the App Engine admin console and would like to use to host your instance of this sample.
  2. Update the values at the top of to reflect the respective client IDs you have registered in the Developer Console.
  3. Update the value of CLIENT_ID in static/js/app.js to the Web client ID
  4. Run the app with the devserver using DIR, and ensure it's running by visiting your local server's address (by default localhost:8080.)
  5. (Optional) Generate your client library(ies) with the endpoints tool.
  6. Deploy your application.

Additional funcitonality

Conference Sessions

Models and design considerations

Conference Session type with following attributes:

  1. name (string, required)
  2. highlights (repeated string)
  3. speakers (repeated Speaker key)
  4. duration (time property)
  5. typeOfSession (string, restricted to SessionType enumeration in SessionForm)
  6. date (date property)
  7. startTime (time property)

Conference SessionType enumeration. This provides a means to limit the types of session to a pre-defined set. Note: an obvious improvement would be to allow for this set to be defined per-conference by the conference organizer. This could be implemented in a future iteration.

Confernce session Speaker with following attributes:

  1. name (string, required)

There are associated Form and Forms types for Sesssion and Speaker.

A session is bound to a single conference. This is not represented in the model itself, but enforced in the SessionForm, which requires a web-safe key for a conference.

API end-points

The following API end-points are provided for creating and querying sessions:

  • getConferenceSessions(websafeConferenceKey): Given a conference, return all sessions
  • getConferenceSessionsByType(websafeConferenceKey, typeOfSession): Given a conference, return all sessions of a specified type (eg lecture, keynote, workshop)
  • getSessionsBySpeaker(speaker): Given a speaker, return all sessions given by this particular speaker, across all conferences
  • createSession(SessionForm, websafeConferenceKey): open to the organizer of the conference

User session wish-list

The wish-list allows a user to maintain a list of sessions they are interested in attending. Since users may be interested in sessions from conferences they are not yet registered for, there is no restriction on the conferences the user can pick sessions from. We define two additional end-points to support whsh-lists:

  • addSessionToWishlist(SessionKey): adds a session to the user's list of sessions of interest
  • getSessionsInWishlist(): obtain all the sessions in a user's wish-list

Design considerations

Each user profile contains a wish-list of sessions. These are implemented as a repeated string property in the Profile model, set in the ProfileForm. A user does not have to be registered to a conference in order to add a session to the wish-list. The list expresses an interest in, and not a commitment to, attending.

Indices and Queries

Indices for all the required queries have been built.

Additional Queries

  • getConferenceSpeakers(webSafeConferenceKey): gets list of speakers for a given conference.
  • getConferenceByTopic(topic): gets list of conferences with a certain topic.

Query related problem

  1. How would you handle a query for all non-workshop sessions before 7 pm?
  2. What is the problem for implementing this query?
  3. What ways to solve it did you think of?


  1. The query requires two inequalities: session type not equal to workshop and session start time less than 7PM.
  2. The problem is that the datastore does not support queries with inequalities on more than one property.
  3. We can query on one property, then filter the results in the application code. Alternatively, we can replace the != condition for the workshop session type with an IN of all session types except for workshop. The latter doesn't scale well with number of session types so we opt for the former:
from datetime import datetime
latest_time = '7:00 pm' # hard-wired as example. Could be e.g. request.time
sessions = Session.query().filter(
    Session.startTime < datetime.strptime(latest_time,
                                          '%I:%M %p').time()

return SessionForms(
           for s in sessions if s.typeOfSession != 'Workshop']

This is implemented in method conference.queryProblem(), with API end-point queryProblem.


Each time a new session is added to a conference, a "featured speaker" for that conference is calculated. A specification of "featued speaker" is not provided, so we select the speaker with the highest number of appearances.

The implementation uses a task queue to run a task that stores a featured speaker message in memcache, using a per-conference key to allow for each conference to have a featured speaker. An API end-point if provided to get the featured speaker message for a given conference.

  • API endpoint: getFeaturedSpeaker(webSafeConferenceKey).
  • Task URL: /tasks/featured_speaker.


A conference organization web application build on Google App Engine. Project 4 of Udacity Fullstack Nanodegree







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