git config --global alias.[alias] "add -A"
Update your git version
up = "update-git-for-windows"
alias = "config --get-regexp ^alias\."
st = "status"
acm = "git add -A && git commit -m"
Create your branch
br = "branch"
Show current branch
brc = "branch --show-current"
Delete branch
brd = "branch --delete"
Change branch
sw = "switch"
Create the branch and switch to it
swc = "switch -c"
Merge branches
mr = "merge"
See which local branches are no longer linked to the remote origin repository (does not delete)
prdry = "remote prune origin --dry-run"
Deletes all unneeded branches from the remote repository
pr = "remote prune origin"
I mistyped the last commit
cma = "commit --amend -m"
I made a mistake when naming my branch
brn = "branch -m"
Undo a modified file
res = "restore"