This library provides setTimeout
and setInterval
implementations that keep working even if the app is running in the background or the screen is locked.
Based on react-native-background-timer but with major code changes and only works on Android.
- Clear and simple API
- Can set multiple timers
- Keeps running when the screen is locked
- Each timer has its own WakeLock that remains active while it's running
- Intervals are handled entirely on the native side
- Fault-tolerant: any exception gets reported back to JS via promises
- TypeScript declarations included
yarn add react-native-background-timer-android
import Timer from "react-native-background-timer-android";
// Start a timer that will repeatedly log "tic" after 500 milliseconds
const intervalId = Timer.setInterval(() => console.log("tic"), 500);
// Cancel the timer when you are done with it
// Start a timer that will log "tic" after 500 milliseconds just once
const timeoutId = Timer.setTimeout(() => console.log("tic"), 500);
// Cancel the timer if needed
Timer.setInterval(callback: () => void, millis: number, onError?: (error: Error) => void): number;
Timer.setTimeout(callback: () => void, millis: number, onError?: (error: Error) => void): number;
Timer.clearInterval(id: number): Promise<void>;
Timer.clearTimeout(id: number): Promise<void>;