- bash scripts i made for practice, in order:
local ci: A local CI made with docker, bash and python/flask, with 3 jobs:
--loop:it works launching the bash script, reading and comparing all the files constantly, and recreating the flask web every time it finds a difference, also change the version of the fyle "app.yp"
--pull: upload the whole files to a dockerfile and relaunch a docker container with them in
--push: download all the files from the docker image to the current directory
ListaIguales: List recursivelly all the files in a folder (and subfolders) and check if there are any duplicates.
LogProcess: Logs every process that is launcher after the script.
Medidor: Shows the CPU usage of a process with a bar and percentage
PrimeraLetra: Changes recursivelly the first letter of all files to an Uppercase
Segundos: Copy the content of files, and stops X seconds every Y seconds.
API: Workspace ONE Api call
- Bash scripts for aws management *Dynamodb_add-query: A script for adding or querying an item from a table in DynamoDB