Because marvel's API and development page and documentation were unstable during development, i created mocks based on the documentation so i could continue with the implementation. We can activate the mocks in the .env.development file by changing this key and value
Have in mind that this will always return a fixed set of characters on the left panel, and always the same details on the right panel.
One second waiting time was added to the service so the loading progress bar on top of the page can be seen.
Libraries used:
- react
- redux/react-redux (unify state between components)
- redux-thunk (action creator to handle state change when fetching apis)
- glamor (For styling. We could've used StyledComponents but it felt that not enough components were being reused)
- react-bootstrap (Grid only)
- md5 (hash creation to authenticate against marvel's API)
git clone [email protected]:jtruzzi/marvel-superheros-demo.git
cd marvel-superheros-demo
yarn start