- Redux codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc)
- Part 01
- Part 02
- Part 03
- Part 04
- Part 05
- Part 06
- Part 07
- Part 08
- Part 09
- Part 10
- Part 11
- Part 12
- Part 13
- Part 14
- Part 15
- Part 16
- Part 17
- Part 18
- Part 19
- Part 20
- Part 21
Example React + Redux codebase that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
Originally created for this GH issue. The codebase is now feature complete and the RFC is open. Your input is greatly appreciated; please submit bug fixes via pull requests & feedback via issues.
We're currently working on some docs for the codebase (explaining where functionality is located, how it works, etc) but most things should be self explanatory if you have a minimal understanding of React/Redux.
You can view a live demo over at https://react-redux.realworld.io/
To get the frontend running locally:
- Clone this repo
npm install
to install all req'd dependenciesnpm run watch
to have webpack bundle the JS files into /bin/main.js, then runnpm start
For convenience, we have a live API server running at https://conduit.productionready.io/api for the application to make requests against. You can view the API spec here which contains all routes & responses for the server. We'll release the backend code in a few weeks should anyone be interested in it.
The example application is a social blogging site (i.e. a Medium.com clone) called "Conduit". It uses a custom API for all requests, including authentication. You can view a live demo over at https://redux.productionready.io/
General functionality:
- Authenticate users via JWT (login/signup pages + logout button on settings page)
- CRU* users (sign up & settings page - no deleting required)
- CRUD Articles
- CR*D Comments on articles (no updating required)
- GET and display paginated lists of articles
- Favorite articles
- Follow other users
The general page breakdown looks like this:
- Home page (URL: /#/ )
- List of tags
- List of articles pulled from either Feed, Global, or by Tag
- Pagination for list of articles
- Sign in/Sign up pages (URL: /#/login, /#/register )
- Use JWT (store the token in localStorage)
- Settings page (URL: /#/settings )
- Editor page to create/edit articles (URL: /#/editor, /#/editor/article-slug-here )
- Article page (URL: /#/article/article-slug-here )
- Delete article button (only shown to article's author)
- Render markdown from server client side
- Comments section at bottom of page
- Delete comment button (only shown to comment's author)
- Profile page (URL: /#/@username, /#/@username/favorites )
- Show basic user info
- List of articles populated from author's created articles or author's favorited articles
- Wire up redux in the index.js
- Set App Name as Props with mapStateToProps
- You should now see the app name displayed in your browser!
- CSS is imported via a link tag, check our index.html for deets
- Created Feature Home and Header Component
- Header has our navigation stack in it. sweet
- Home has:
- index
- MainView that will have your global feed and popular tags
- Banner, that is just sweet.
- Create our ArticleList Component
23 scenarios: we either have articles not existing (fetching from server) or no articles at all.
- Fetch some articles. from
- using superAgent to create Articles
- we'll be able to append a bunch of other http requests to our agent as we move along.
- we are gonna dispatch an action on 'componentWillMount' for our component
onLoad: payload => dispatch({ type: "HOME_PAGE_LOADED", payload })
- Created a middleware.js to handle the Promise with promiseMiddleware. This will be a collection of functions that will run when we dispatch actions, modify it in some way if it meets some conditional, then pass it on to the store via dispatch.
- Redux has a method
which will take functions, and apply them to actions. - Now we can just pass the promise in a dispatch, and it will be resolved, before headed off to the store for reducing. Sweet!!!
- now we should have our articles conosole logged out if we put
in our reducer in the root index.js
- Now that we've got our first dipatch to reducers working. Let's set up the switch statement to catch on the action type "HOME_PAGE_LOADED"
- Create and Build Out the ArticlePreview component
- Add the ArticlePreview component in the ArticleList component
- Refactor to make room for routing. Remove all store stuff from index.js and place into a new file called store.js.
- Let's add some basic routing for our App and it's nested component. We can't hard code home into anymore(App.js Line 19), because it's not always going to be home, it might be something else, like profile or new article.
- Create the Login component
- Create a link to the login page in the Header component
- create the reducers directory and refactor out the global feed reducer
- common reducer
- auth.js reducer file
- added combineReducer
- Update the App component & Home component & MainView component
- agent for POST to api/users/login
- Login methods
- Tackle the reducer for auth, we should have auth properties username, email, token. These should be available as props on the Login component with successful login. Use creds below.
"[email protected]"
- Create a ListErrors Component that will take errors as prop, and render's an unordered list
- Errors should be an array of objects,
- Also, if the state says there's an auth request in progress, we'll disable the submit button.
- 'ASYNC_START' what will trigger a conditional in it's respective store propterty to let us know when an async http request is in progress
- Some redirects on login
- added additional action to the common reducer,
- learned about componentWillReceiveProps as a lifecycle method. sweet
- wire up dispatch to 'REDIRECT' to stop the router from constantly redirecting
- Note to us, react router v4 using a component v4
npm install superagent-jwt
oryarn add superagent-jwt
we are leveraging this to fetch and append the jwt from localstorage on http request- Localstorge as a middleware, what is local middleware
- Set up localstore to capture the jwt.
- all get and post requests now pull the jwt from localstorage and append correctly to the header
- reducer APP_LOAD to 'rehydrate' our redux store and make the currentUser request
- Accessing & Displaying Authentication Status Sweet.
- Update the Header component
- pass currentUser to it via props
- We'll need Postman to test the API endpoints with. Check it out HERE
- Register Users!!!
- agent post auth register
- auth reducer to handle 'REGISTER' a lot like login
- common reducer to redirect and capture the currentUser!
- Sweet. Now make a user.
- Settings Component with settings reducer, updated store too
- http PUT method for '/user' to save user data
- Click to logout action that will remove currentUser and redirect
- Still need to reset LocalStore, so currently, logging out then refreshing will infact log you back in. d'oh
- Setting Form that takes currentUser and onSubmitForm as props.
- Lifecyles for componentWillMount AND componentWillRecieveProps
- Merge objects in willMount before a render, that 'setState' won't work
- and that meowdium is super amazing
- Remove JWT from localstorage on logout.
- Remember Article Preview? We need to go back and swap out all the a tags for Link tags
- Added agent http methods to get a single article and the comments of it based on the slug
- Promise.all. What's that do ? Check it out HERE
- Article Feature Component to display whole article
- Use of dangerouslySetInnerHTML.
marked is a library that compiles markdown into HTML - in order to get react to render raw HTML, we need to use this dangerouslySetInnerHTML property, because React sanitizes HTML by default.
{ __html: marked(article.body) };
- The great clean up. We address several of the 'warnings' that have been adding up over the course of our project. We should just be left with 2 - these we'll just live with for now. :-)
- Cleaned up console log outputs to a respectable state.
lowPriorityWarning.js:38 Warning: Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated, and will be removed in React v16.0. Use the latest available v15.* prop-types package from npm instead. For info on usage, compatibility, migration and more, see https://fb.me/prop-types-docs
- Article Actions for deleting article with agent del
- Article meta data. Showing the author and created date, allowing the 'canModified' property if true, the author can delete,.
- a reducer for 'DELETE_ARTICLE' redirect to '/'
- Finally the Editor!!!!!!!
- but first an agent call. d'oh!
create: article =>
requests.post('/articles', { article })
- Let's create an Editor component that will be our form for posting new articles.
- We've got a lot of markdown render, really just boils down to fields on change 'title, description, body, tagList, tag'
- we can dynamically add tags to our article.
- Methods
handleInputChange, handleTagChange, submitForm, removeTag
- now we need a reducer to handle the "ARTICLE_SUBMITTED": in both our editor reducer and in our common reducer for redirect.
const redirectUrl = `article/${action.payload.article.slug}`;
return { ...state, redirectTo: redirectUrl };
- Remove tag method. Removing onClick.
- Adding routing to handle
- Now our Editor Component needs to be able to populate if it's editing an article, rather than a new article
- We've added componentWillRecieveProps to repopulate or remove current Editor state
- Look closely at the onSubmit method here. We need to call 'create' or 'update' based on if it's a new article or not. We know if it is from
const promise = this.props.params.slug
? agent.Articles.update(Object.assign(article, slug))
: agent.Articles.create(article);
- GOAL By the end of this you should be able to go to one of your articles, select 'edit' and have that information populated on the edit post form, the submit should also update the article
- Add the ability to present and add comments to other peoples posts.
- We are creating several Components in our Article folder. CommentContainer will have serveral pieces within it. A CommonentList with CommentInput for new comments. A DeleteButton to, um, delete to comment.