This code gives a APL interface to Emacs for april - a common lisp embedded APL language See: The interface inspired by as I was not that happy with the gnu-apl-mode interface. The unicode characters of APL are entered with two key strokes and a tab - called a cord. They are a mnemonic where the keys when combined look simular to what the unicode chacter looks like. I find that makes them more intuitive and easy to remember. Examples: aa<tab> → ⍺, xx<tab> → ×, 0~<tab> → ⍬, <><tab> → ◊ There is a optional header which displays the APL characters. When you click them they are entered in the code at the cursor position. When you hover over them a popup is displayed. I contains: the operator, the monadic and dyadic meaning and the key cord. You can enter the key cord from the keyboard if you don’t want to mouse-click the header character.
With straight and use-package installed:
(use-package jpt-apl-mode :straight (jpt-apl-mode :type git :host github :repo “jthing/apl-mode”))
Setting jpt-apl-use-header to nil will disable the header line with the APL symbols. The Key-cords will still work. There is also a variable jpt-apl-exclude. The (local) variable jpt-apl-data contains information on all apl operators in Dyalog and gnu APL. It then filters out the ones that can be typed on the keyboard (:ascii) and the ones that Dyalog (:dyalog) uses, but april does not. To make a header that looks like the one in you could change it to ‘(:gnu) .