Projects done by Jacob Betsworth
Descriptions of each below
ClusterCore -A project done during the Fall semester of 2019, Junior Year.
-Coded in Java on frontend. Communication done using websockets and login and register done using http.
-Done in a team of 4.
-The project was a multiplayer real-time bullet hell game. At turnin we had two players working together to take down a boss.
-Two portions of code the backend and frontend. I worked on the frontend.
-My work included the creation of screens, communication with backend, login, register, and chat.
-When one player died they would die on the other player's screen. The game would keep going for the other player.
-On boss death the level would end and both players kicked out to the debriefing screen where rewards are given.
-If you died you immediately go to the debriefing screen and are given less rewards than if you win.
Guided Roomba -A project done in the Spring semester of 2019, Sophomore Year.
-Coded in C.
-Done in a team of 6.
-Goal: by using the sensors on a modified roomba identify obstacles, read the inputs, and successfully navigate to the end goal.
-We split into groups of two and worked independently to get all tasks complete.
-My partner and I had to properly initialize the cliff sensors, calibrate IR and sonar sensors, and calibrate wheel speeds.
-In the demo for final credit our pilots were given 15 minutes to navigate an obstacle course and were able to reach the end goal in 12 minutes.
Processor -Project done in the Fall semester of 2019, Junior Year.
-Coded in VHDL.
-Done in a group of 3.
-Goal: Make a MIPS Pipeline Processor that is able to run specific assembly instructions
-Beforehand we had already made a single-cycle processor so the basics of a processor were known.
-Tasks: I had to make the pipeline registers, assemble the processor components in code, debug instructions, make hazard and forward control, and make schematics.
-The end goal was to be able to run a set of assembly instructions they gave and be able to run all the instructions with no issues and no errors.
-The majority of the project was debugging for how data was being wrongly being moved or selected by conditionals or bad wires.