Run the Counter App locally and run cypress tests to add, remove, delete items from the item list, reset and > restart the item list
- Install node modules (node v14.15.5 or above)
- In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open Counter App to view it in the browser.
To run the test in headless mode.
To run tests in cypress test runner.
select 'shoppingCart.spec.js' from the pop-up
Default browser is Chrome. You can select Firefox and Electron from the top right dropdown in the test runner
To run tests in headless mode in other browsers (firefox, electron, edge)
├─ fixtures Contains exernal static data to be used by tests
├─config.json Configurations like URL, username etc.
├─ integration Test suites comprising of single/multiple tests
├─ pageObjects Page object classes with locators and functions
├─ plugins Executes in Node before the project is loaded, before the browser launches, and during your test execution.
├─ support Support files
├─commands.js Custom commands
├─index.js Runs before every single spec file