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A starter project for Angular.

Based on Angular's angular-seed but using gulp.

This project is an application skeleton for a basic AngularJS web app. Additionally it takes benefit form Bootstrap responsive framework. It is ready for Travis CI continuous integration platform. Now supports TypeScript transpiler.

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the js-seed repository and install the dependencies:


You need git to clone the js-seed repository. You can get git from

We also use a number of node.js tools to initialize and test js-seed. You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from

Clone js-seed

Clone the js-seed repository using git:

git clone
cd js-seed

If you just want to start a new project without the js-seed commit history then you can do:

git clone --depth=1 <your-project-name>

The depth=1 tells git to only pull down one commit worth of historical data.

Install gulp

Gulp is used the build system. Install gulp globally to have access to the command line

npm install -g gulp

Install Dependencies

We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.

We have preconfigured npm to automatically run bower so we can simply do:

npm install

Behind the scenes this will also call bower install. You should find that you have two new folders in your project.

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for the tools we need
  • client/bower_components - contains the angular framework files

Note that the bower_components folder would normally be installed in the root folder but js-seed changes this location through the .bowerrc file. Putting it in the client folder makes it easier to serve the files by a webserver.

Run the Application

We have preconfigured the project with a web server. The simplest way to start this server is:

gulp server:start

Now browse to the app at http://localhost:3000.

This will start the webserver and leave it running in the background.

Directory Layout

client/             --> all of the source files for the application
  app.js                --> main application module
  index.html            --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
  index-async.html      --> just like index.html, but loads js files asynchronously
gulp/               --> gulp tasks
test/               --> test related stuff
  client/             --> client spec files
  karma.conf.js       --> config file for running unit tests with Karma
  protractor.conf.js  --> Protractor config file
.bowerrc            --> specifies where bower components will be installed
.gitignore          --> files to ignore by git
.jshintrc           --> jsHint conf file
.travis.yml         --> Travis CI conf file
bower.json          --> bower components to install
gulpfile.js         --> main gulp tasks
package.json        --> node modules to install an scripts
project.conf.js     --> project configuration settigs           --> Documentation


There are 2 kinds of tests in the js-seed application: client Unit tests and End to End tests. All of them are written in Jasmine

Running Unit Tests

The easiest way to run the unit tests is to use the supplied npm script:

gulp test

###Unit tests

The js-seed app comes preconfigured with unit tests. These are written in Jasmine, which we run with the Karma Test Runner. We provide a Karma configuration file to run them.

  • the configuration is found at test/karma.conf.js, but you should use project.conf.js
  • the unit tests are found in the test/client folder with a similar structure as the code they are testing and are named as *.spec.js (you can change that with project.conf.js).

to run this test alone just type

gulp test:client

This script will start the Karma test runner to execute the unit tests.

If you want to watch the source and test files for changes and then re-run the tests whenever any of them change, run

gulp watch:test:client

End to end testing

The js-seed app comes with end-to-end tests, again written in Jasmine. These tests are run with the Protractor End-to-End test runner. It uses native events and has special features for Angular applications.

  • the configuration is found at test/protractor-conf.js. Again, configure through project.conf.js
  • the e2e tests are found in the test/client folder with a similar structure as the code they are testing and are named as *.e2e-spec.js.

Protractor simulates interaction with our web app and verifies that the application responds correctly. Therefore, our web server needs to be serving up the application, so that Protractor can interact with it. If you run the provided nmp tasks you do not need to worry about that because they automatically start the server

You can run the end-to-end tests alone using the script:

gulp test:e2e

This script will execute the end-to-end tests against the application being hosted on the development server.


We provide several tools to help in the app development phase. Basically are watchers, a browser re-loader and the server itself. Although you can change the behavior of the server, the proposed configuration covers all the need you can have and we will focus on client side development.

gulp develop

or just


this task will start the server and the client unit test watcher.

If you only want the server without the tests invoke

gulp server:start

TypeScript support

To transpile TypeScrip files invoke

gulp ts

If you invoke

gulp develop:ts

will do the same as gulp develop and additionally it will watch typescript files for changes. In case a typescript changes it will be transpilled automatically.

Continuous Integration

Travis CI

Travis CI is a continuous integration service, which can monitor GitHub for new commits to your repository and execute scripts such as building the app or running tests. The js-seed project contains a Travis configuration file, .travis.yml, which will cause Travis to run your tests when you push to GitHub.

You will need to enable the integration between Travis and GitHub. See the Travis website for more instruction on how to do this.

Contact, Contribute

If you want support, a new feature or find a bug open a new issue in github. If you want to contribute, just make a pull request with your new code.


js-seed is distributed under the MIT license


Basic AngularJS project seed with Gulp







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